
Immunization requirements for 7th grade in Virginia

To start the 7th grade in Virginia, students must have the following immunizations: Tdap, Meningococcal, HPV, and Hepatitis A. The Meningococcal, HPV, and Hepatitis A immunizations became required immunizations effective July 1, 2021.

You can submit documentation of your student’s vaccination by:

  • Dropping your student’s immunization record off at Elko Middle School, or
  • By having your doctor fax your student’s immunization record to (804) 328-3942.

Students who are missing immunizations will not be allowed to pick up their schedule at Open House night and cannot attend school until we have received proof of vaccination.

If you have any questions about your child’s immunizations or the required immunizations please contact the Elko School Nurse, Kerry Barrett, at (804) 328-4110 or