Announcements Specialty Centers

2020-2021 HCPS Specialty Center Assessment Tests

The 2021-22 Specialty Center assessment test for all students currently enrolled in Henrico County middle schools will be administered in February.  This year’s test includes up to three sections: reading, mathematics, and writing. Students will be allowed 45 minutes for each section of the test.  For the writing assessment, students will be given two persuasive prompts from which to choose.  Students will select one of the prompts and will be given 45 minutes to complete their essay.

As part of the application process, students must take the specific tests that the centers to which they are applying require. Please click on this link for more detailed information HCPS Student Assessment Information 

Start time for each assessment will be 2:15pm



February 2, 2021 Writing
February 3, 2021 Reading Comprehension
February 4, 2021 Mathematics