Longan Lion Legends

I’d love to hear from my former lions! Β Please let me know how you’re doing!

193 thoughts on “Longan Lion Legends

  1. Hi Mrs.Beam,
    I hope all is well. I miss Longan and all of the teachers. 7th Grade is okay, I imagine it’s the same as 6th grade I wouldn’t really know as everyone is in virtual learning. I wish Hungary Creek had an outdoor campus like Longan. I remember in elementary school I wished Longan had an indoor campus, But I realized in middle school that I prefer an outdoor campus more. I still listen to the 50 states song sometimes. It’s a really good song for learning all of the 50 states, and it’s catchy. I just wanted to say hi, I hope you have a great day!

    • Hi Dia,
      What a wonderful surprise! It’s funny you mentioned wishing Hungary Creek had an outdoor campus. I remember wishing I had an indoor school when I was in middle and high school (both outdoor campuses), but then realized I really liked the opportunity to have an outdoor break once in awhile. I suppose it’s true that we don’t always appreciate what we have when we have it. That’s apparent these days with the effects of the pandemic. I hope you and your family are well. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know that you miss Longan…once a lion, always a lion. When things are safe, you should visit sometime. Your elementary school will always be special…at least mine is to me and my kids feel the same way. Hang in there and let’s hope you’ll be back to school safely soon. πŸ™‚

      Mrs. Beam

      I’m so glad you still enjoy the 50 states song! I agree…it’s very catchy. I didn’t have the opportunity to use it with my students last year because of the early school closing, so your class was the last to hear it. I love watching the video of you all singing it. πŸ™‚

  2. Good evening Mrs. Beam,

    I hope you having a really good day today! Just wanted to say “Hi” and that I miss you so much. Middle school has been a roller-coaster especially in this time. But I hope you’re having a great rest of your evening!

    -Merola πŸ™‚

    • Hello Miss Merola,
      I’m so excited to hear from you, and wow your writing is amazing! I think I saw your little sister come through the student packet pick up line this afternoon and it made me think of you. You’re exactly right about life & school being much like a roller-coaster…great analogy! We’ll persevere and make it through…we just have to keep a positive mindset (sound familiar?). Thank you for brightening my day by emailing me. I miss you bunches!

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

    • Hi Branden,
      I’m was so excited to see a message from you! Wow, you’re a big 7th grader already. I can’t believe it. Which class do you have with Rivers? How is virtual learning going. Do you and your brothers each have your own working space? We thought of you and your brothers this year because we have another set of triplet boys in 5th grade again. πŸ™‚ My class is great, and I’m looking forward to meeting them in person sometime when it’s safe. Thank you so much for making my day!

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

        • Branden,
          Very cool! Please tell Alexis, Manny & Rivers “hi” from me. All is well…ready for a little rest and relaxation for the week though. Have a great 3 day weekend!

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

        • Branden,
          That’s super cool! I remember you were awesome at drawing and I can see you enjoying the coding and drama, too. My daughter, Sarah, was in a few productions at Holman. Have fun! I hope you’ll get to do a play at school this year!

          Mrs. Beam



    • Ronald,
      I enjoy getting your texts through Schoology. It seems like we have opposite lunch breaks, but that’s okay. Don’t feel like you have to text me if you get too busy, and if I don’t text you back right away…I want you to know that it’s just that I’m trying to keep up with everything else. It makes me so happy to hear from my former students and you’re certainly very special to me. πŸ™‚

      Hope you have a great 2nd week!
      Mrs. Beam

  4. Hey Mrs Beam I wanted to let you know that you are my favorite teacher I ever had at Longan I wish I could stay one last year to see you and the class again oh and have you meet the new principal yet I hope shes nice

    wish you the best ,

    • Hello Addi! I just found this message and it makes me SO happy! You’re such a special young lady to me, and I’m still disappointed we didn’t get to finish out the year properly. Hopefully, by now you’re enjoying your new virtual middle school experience. I’m still crossing my fingers that when this virus goes away, our class can find a time to meet someplace for real hugs. Mrs. Henderson, our new principal, is super nice. It was kind of you to remember that! Thank you for saying I was your favorite teacher….that’s so nice to hear. I know you’re probably super busy with all your classes, but when you have the chance I’d love to hear how middle school is going and who some of your teachers are.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  5. hey Mrs beam, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy, to be honest, I really miss you and the class I just wish we could have finished the year how we were supposed to and I wish I could go to ACTUAL 6th grade this year but I guess not I hope you and your class this year have fun together

    stay safe, Addi
    P.S Aarius says hi

    • Hello Addi,
      I’m so excited to hear from you! My family is at the lake this week to get away, so I haven’t been checking email as often. I really miss you and our class, too. It’s sad that we weren’t able to finish out the year as planned, but I’m really hoping to see you and the rest of the class sometime after this virus gets under control. You’re going to be great in sixth grade no matter how it goes. Schools and teachers are working hard to make the virtual learning this fall much more interactive and meaningful, so give it 100% just like you would in the classroom. Thanks for thinking of me, and please let me know how things go after the year gets started. Stay safe and tell Adarius “hello.” Things will get better…keep your chin up.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  6. Hi Mrs. Beam. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! You are a great teacher and I am so sad that I haven’t been to your class in the last 2 years. Wow, time flys. Sorry that it’s been a while since we last talked. I have been busy taking part in my school. Last time we talked I think I was about wrestling season and how we were going against HCMS. Its been a while since then but I thought I’d catch you up. Unfortunately, we lost against them and Jadyn and his team to a win. We did only win 3 matches but it was the overall experience that matters. We had one kid go undefeated in all 3 years he was on the team. I will definitely join them again next year. How has it been teaching without your favorite student (me) these 2 years? I hope you are enjoying teaching. Hope to see you soon.

    • Jayla,
      You made my day! You’re the first student to wish me a Happy Teacher Appreciation Week…it was totally off my radar, but means so much that you’d reach out. Time certainly has flown by…you’ll soon be an eighth grader. I can’t believe it! It’s great you’ve stayed committed to your role as a wrestling manager. They’re lucky to have you. I’ve missed you bunches, but am so proud of how you’ve grown and matured. You have such a positive attitude and are super thoughtful. School these days is strange, isn’t it? I just finished my ZOOM class meeting with my students. We meet three times a week, and then I have office hours another day. How often do you have class in middle school?

      Have a great week!
      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • Mrs. Beam,
        School is strange now. I have Science every Monday, English every Tuesday, History every Wednesday, Spanish and Math every Thursday. Fridays are my days off of zoom. I have missed you a lot too. I just hope that my eight grade plans aren’t canceled because of this. I just started to plant sunflowers and they have started to sprout. I am so excited and hope I don’t kill them. Every day I walk 3 miles at Deep Run Park which is about 2 laps. I hope you are able to get outside some during this time and are enjoying your time at home

        • Jayla,
          It sounds like you have a fairly routine schedule. That helps in times like this. I’m hoping, too, that by the fall we can resume life (and school) like normal. I love Deep Run Park…it was my kids’ favorite place when they were little. Good job getting exercise! I enjoyed outside time over the weekend, but sometimes I forget to go out during the work week. It’s supposed to rain today, so we might need to get out early. Have a great day!

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  7. Hi Mrs. Beam. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! You are a great teacher and I am so sad that I haven’t been in your class in the last 2 years. Wow, time flys. Sorry that it’s been a while since we last talked. I have been busy taking part in my school. Last time we talked I think I was about wrestling season and how we were going against HCMS. Its been a while since then but I thought I’d catch you up. Unfortunately, we lost against them and Jadyn and his team to a win. We did only win 3 matches but it was the overall experience that matters. We had one kid go undefeated in all 3 years he was on the team. I will definitely join them again next year. How has it been teaching without your favorite student (me) these 2 years? I hope you are enjoying teaching. Hope to see you soon.

  8. Mrs.Beam, my brother is trying to join the Zoom meeting but he can’t. I am going to give you my moms email.

    • Hi Francesco,
      Thanks so much for trying to help Ronald. For some reason my Zoom link had problems today. I sent out a different link, but it seems that not everyone received it. Please tell Ronald not to worry…we only had six classmates who were able to join today. From now on, I’m going to send the link prior to the meeting between 1:30 – 1:45, so this doesn’t happen again. Have a great weekend! Please also tell Ronald that I’ve received his assignments and he can share on Monday.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

    • Wow! I’m glad and hope it works next week when we meet. Thanks for the great idea of playing TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE. That was a terrific idea…I’ll keep thinking about other virtual games.

      πŸ™‚ Mrs. Beam

  9. Hi Mrs. Beam! I’m going to start online school tomorrow and I’m a little scared. Anyway, I just wanted to ask how you are doing and how the new class is going. We are almost done with the school year. I feel like this year is going by so fast! Hopefully, I can keep up my all A’s during this break. Stay safe from COVID-19.

    • Hi Anna,
      Thanks for reaching out to me. This is a time of uncertainty for everyone, Anna. I’m confident you will do a great job with your online learning, and hopefully it will go by quickly and we all can return to school as soon as possible. The year really has gone by very quickly. Every year seems to move faster than the last. Take good care of yourself and stay in touch. πŸ™‚

      Mrs. Beam

  10. hi, Mrs. beam I wanted to ask how addi will do her work because she was absent on Friday and she won’t be at school on Monday or Tuesday and I know about the online learning thing but how will she do hers???

    your conserned former student,

    • Hi Adarius,
      Thank you for checking in. I tried calling your mom on Friday, and couldn’t leave a message because her mailbox was full. I’ll be emailing her today. Would you ask her to check her email?

      Mrs. Beam

  11. hi, Mrs beam I just wanted to tell you that on your blog you speeled the word wear wrong instead you put weat.

    your former student,

  12. Hi! It’s Anna. I was going to write to you sooner, but I’ve been very busy. Guess what…I was chosen to be a math ambassador! So I’m going to be at the curriculum fair. I’m nervous, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Anyway, I hope you a great day.

    P.S. Say hi to Mrs/Ms. Hart for me. (I can’t remember which one)
    -Anna ❀

    • Hi Anna,
      I’m sooo proud of you! You’ll be a great represntative at the Curriculum Fair. I was just telling your mom yesterday what a special and talented young lady you are. I told Jordan to tell you “hi” at recess today…hope he remembered. πŸ™‚ Thank you for messaging me! I’ll definitely let Mrs. Hart know that you said “hi.” My class has Library for resource tomorrow, so I’m sure I’ll remember. Good Luck on Thursday!
      πŸ™‚ Mrs. Beam

    • Hi Branden,
      What a fun way to start my day! I’m doing well, thank you. How are you enjoying middle school? It’s hard to believe that almost half of the year is over. How is your family? Are you in any classes with your brothers? Please tell everyone “hello” from me & Happy New Year!

      Mrs. Beam

  13. Hi Mrs. Beam,
    It’s Dia Mohammad from last year’s fifth grade. Middle school is alright, but I miss some of my friends from Longan. I wish I was back in elementary school. I would have left a message sooner, but I didn’t realize you had to scroll all the way down on the website. We had our band concert last night (i play the flute), my favourite song that we played was jingle bells. In middle school, there is not as much homework as I would have thought. Plus we get two days to complete it and if we get homework on a Friday we have even more time. I have two classes with Emma and a couple other people from Longan, But there are only a handful of students from Longan going to Hungary Creek.
    Have a Merry Christmas, From Dia

    P.s, You are still my favorite teacher. πŸ˜€

    • Hello Dia,
      Thank you so much for messaging me! I was thinking about you the other day, and wondering how middle school (and Math) was going for you. Elementary school usually holds special memories for students, but they don’t realize it until they’ve moved on to middle school. You sound like you’ve adjusted really well, and your writing is continuing to improve. πŸ™‚ I enlarged my library this year, and include a daily 10-15 silent sustained reading time when I read, too. It’s turned out to be a really positive addition to the Language Arts block, and I wish I’d done it sooner. If you’re ever at Longan, feel free to stop by and see it (and me). πŸ™‚ It’s great you play the flute! Being in the band is an awesome experience! The Hungary Creek Jazz band comes to Longan in a few weeks, and I always look forward to seeing former students. Please tell Emma “hello.” I’m having a difficult time sleeping this morning due to a cough, so reading your sweet message cheered me up. Oh, and “hi” to your mom and brother, too.

      Mrs. Beam

  14. Hi Mrs.Beam! I miss your class so much. Even tho I am in my 2nd year of middle school I miss the way you taught. Today in Science we were doing a lab on gummy bears and it reminded me of your math experiments. Also, I am the manager of my school’s wrestling team. But most of all I think you’d be proud of me because I am now taking ADV English.

    • Hi Sweet Jayla,
      You made my day! I love that you remember some of the labs…I recall the lab with gummy worms. I did another one with my students this year where they had to problem solve to “save Fred” without touching him. The kids seemed to enjoy it. I’m so excited to hear that you’re the manager of the wrestling team AND you’re in Advanced English! Yay for you! Thank you for emailing me, and keeping me updated. I’d love to see you if you’re ever around Longan. Have a great weekend!
      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • I will most certainly keep you updated. This past Monday I made those marshmallow brownies( that I made for the party) to bring for a project. I was thinking of you when I was making them. I also made extras for the team because we have had 2 kids hurt without even being in a match. They are just kind of upset about that and missing a lot of practice since the 1st match is December 5 at home. On a side note, today I just realized you never see any 8th graders in the hallways. That was until I went down the 8th-grade hallway and finally found the secret land of 8th graders!

        • Hi Jayla,
          I just responded to your email and somehow deleted it! Argh! Anyway, thanks so much for the message. You’ve grown so much as a writer and a person! I can hear your “voice” in what you wrote. You were so thoughtful to make brownies for the injured members of the team. I’m sure they appreciated it! It’s funny you realized where the “mysterious” 8th graders reside. It won’t be too long before you’re one of them…the semester is flying by. Good luck getting back into the regular routine tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you!

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

          • They did enjoy it. Today was our 3rd match and we were doing good but we still lost. We have only won our first match. After the match, the team and I were joking around until after the away team left. Connor, a team captain, told me to check the girls bathroom because last year they wrote on the walls! To me that’s crazy. When I first started, I was kind of nervous because most of the team is 8th graders and I only knew a couple of people, but now I have got to know most of them. Overall this has been a great time so far and I am kind of nervous going against HCMS because we are against Jadyn. At least we would be able to see each other since I haven’t seen him since 5th grade.

            • Jayla,
              You’re getting great experiences being part of a team…win or lose. I saw Jadyn at Longan’s Trunk or Treat…I didn’t recognize him because his hair was dark instead of highlighted. Other than that, he looked pretty much the same. Good luck and let me know how your team does. Have a great weekend! Only one more week til winter break. πŸ™‚

              Mrs. Beam

  15. Hi Mrs. Beam! How are you? I miss you and Longan. I have so many amazing memories from Longan. Middle school is pretty good.

    • Hello Alyssa,
      I remember missing elementary school when I went to middle school. It’s fun to be older, but there’s something special about the school where you started learninig. I miss you, too! I’m doing pretty well. It’s a busy year! Thank you for emailing…it’s always nice to hear from my past students.


      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • Hello Mrs. Beam,

        I’m really getting used to middle school, but its kinda of getting hard. I still miss Longan but now i’m used to it now, and its way tiring then elementary school. This nine weeks have felt so short, time flies fast. Also i accidentally called my math teacher you’re name. Have a great week!

        Sincerely, Merola

        • Hi Merola,
          It’s normal for the work to get more difficult. Just keep trying your best…you may need to study a little harder at home. Is there someone you can study with? I used to love doing my homework and studying with my best friend after school when I was your age. It’s cute that you called your teacher my name. I hope you didn’t get embarrassed. πŸ™‚

          Have a great week!
          Mrs. Beam

  16. Hi Mrs.Beam! I’m on my school account so thats why the e-mail is different. My science teacher is Mrs. Humphrey. She said that you were neighbors! I was looking at the pictures and noticed that your classroom looked different. Did you remodel it??

    • Hi Anna,
      I’m so excited to hear from you! Yes, I’ve known Mrs. Humphrey for years, and she taught Sarah, also. You’re very observant, no surprise there. I did rearrange a few things in the classroom. I moved my library and added more than 50 titles to it, and now I have a large circular rug for read alouds and morning meetings. With five fewer students in my class this year, I had more space to do some different things. Feel free to come by sometime you’re at Longan. I’d love to see you! Have a great weekend!

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  17. Hello Mrs. Beam, this is Adarius I hope you have a wonderful year with your new class I am very excited to be in the 7th grade. Thank you for all that you taught me to help me thrive for middle school. Have a great day!


    • Adarius,
      Hi there! I AM enjoying my new class, but always miss my old students. So, it means the world to me that you emailed. πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you’re thriving (good word choice) in middle school. That’s no surprise to me though…you’re awesome! Are you playing a sport in middle school…I seem to remember that you enjoyed basketball, but I might be confused. I hope you had a good weekend. Enjoy your half day tomorrow.

      Mrs. Beam

        • Adarius! You made my day! I’m so glad you have a positive attitude & remember the power of YET! You’re awesome!

          Have a great weekend!
          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

    • Hi Brandon,
      How is middle school!? I miss you. I have another Brandon this year, but he spells his name with an “o” at the end. It reminds me of you. Tell your mom and brothers “hello.” Thanks for emaililng me. πŸ™‚

      Mrs. Beam

  18. Hi Mrs. Beam
    I was wondering since I’m not in you class anymore if I should write here or where I usually write. Also I wanted to check up on you to see if you are doing well. I hope so! Any way I’m doing great, but the summer boredom has hit me really early. Have a great Father’s Day.
    Anna (α΅”α΄₯α΅”)

    • Hi Anna,
      Thanks for the email. Yesterday was a fun day for my husband and my dad. We went to my folks house for a family cookout and yard games. Then, we came home & I made my husband a triple berry cobbler. YUM! I hope you & your family had a nice day. πŸ™‚

      You can contact me here or at my email address. If you want to share something private, then the email address would be better. Either way is fine, and I love hearing from you. I don’t check my work email quite as often in the summer, so don’t fret if it takes me a little longer to reply.

      I’m doing well, but it normally takes me about a week to get into the rhythm of a summertime schedule. Hopefully, you will too, and I’m sure with your creativity you’ll find something interesting to occupy your time. πŸ™‚

      Hope you’re having a nice 1st Monday free from school. Talk to you soon.

      Mrs. Beam

      • Hello Mrs. Beam, So..it’s was nice Seeing you last week and tomorrow is the first day of school! Summer felt so fast, hopefully I don’t get lost in Holman cuz it’s REALLY huge. Is there any tips for middle school? I’m a little scared to go to a new school, but it’s getting a little familiar because I have some classmates that were my class last year.

        Sincerely, Merola

        • Hi Merola,
          It was great seeing you, too! I remember how nervous you were last year, and everything turned out to be fine. You’ll figure out where things are in no time. Just try your best and choose to be with people who are kind, and you’ll have a great year! Let me know how things go!

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

          • Good afternoon, Mrs. Beam. Today was the first day of school! It was tiring, going up and down, but ill get used to it. I LOVE all my teachers, i’m learning how to do key boarding and its really fun. I have a lot of homework (Boo!) but its really easy. I’ve made SO much friends, and i got to all my classes safely. Good luck with you’re new students and thanks for the advise!

            You’re old student, Merola

            • Hi Merola,
              It sounds like you had a GREAT first day! I’m so glad. My day was good, but I’m exhausted, too. Enjoy the rest of your first week. πŸ™‚

              Mrs. Beam

            • Hey, Mrs. Beam

              How are you? I cant believe its the fourth week of school! Time passes by really quick, i’m starting too wish i was in fifth grade again. Spending time with my old classmates and you was my favorite thing that’s why i never missed a day of school last year. I really like middle school but its kind of stressful. I always tell myself “Do you’re best NO stress” it would make me feel SO much better. My favorite class so far is English i love the teacher and the class, its fun. Have a GREAT night.


            • Hi Merola!
              I’m doing well…super busy though. Sorry, it took me so long to respond. I love hearing from you, and am so happy that you’re doing well. You’ve got the right mindset when you’re stressed, just remember to “Do your best, and don’t stress.” πŸ™‚ I still have to tell myself that all the time. I’m glad you love your English teacher. What’s her name? I know quite a few of the Holman teachers. Have a great weekend!

              Mrs. Beam

            • Hey Mrs. Beam
              Its fine if you couldn’t read my message, i totally understand. Also her name is Mrs. Delaney i also love Mrs. Tignor, and Mrs. Alley. I have more all of them are SO nice!

              Have a good afternoon.

            • Merola,
              I don’t know Mrs. Delaney, but I do know Mrs. Alley & Mrs Tignor. πŸ™‚ Mrs. Alley had my son, Thomas, when she taught at Short Pump Middle. She was one off his favorite teachers. Mrs. Tignor was one of Sarah’s favorite teachers. You can tell them I said “hi” but you might need to remind them who my kids are. πŸ™‚ Middle school teachers have LOTS of students and it’s hard to remember them all from way back. Have a good week and enjoy your half day tomorrow.

              Mrs. Beam

            • Hey, Mrs. Beam

              So, they knew you’re daughter and you’re son and they saw they loved them and wanted too say ”Hi”. Also im sorry for not answering you’re repose i have projects and homework. Have awesome rest of you’re day.


  19. Hey Mrs. Beam,
    If you remember, last year I came to 5th grade with a broken ankle. Well, in 6th grade I broke my wrist during p.e. I broke it so bad to where I had to have surgery!! Aside from that everything else was amazing except for the drama. I have made so many new friends but still, miss my old ones from Logan. I wish I could see you again.


    • Hi Jayla,
      I’m so happy to hear from you! Yes, I absolutely remember how I met you the first time with a boot on your foot. I can’t believe you broke your wrist and I’m sorry it was such a bad break. Middle school most definitely can be a place to find drama. It’s a time when kids are insecure and trying to find a place they belong. I’m glad you’ve made so many friends and I hope they accept and like you for who you are. You’re such an amazing kid, and I’m excited to see what you’ll do with your future. Time sure flies…it seems like it was just yesterday that you were one of my 5th graders about to graduate from elementary school. Thank you for keeping in touch. It means so much to me. Have a fabulous summer!

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  20. Hi Mrs. Beam,
    Hey, Mrs. Beam, I have missed you and your teaching in math. You always made it not boring and fun. Now I have a teacher not even close to you at teaching math. Also, I am trying out for the STEP Team. I am in 2 clubs that you would love. One is called books and bagels it’s like a book club but it is in the morning before school. The 2nd one is called STEM club. It is about girls (and only girls) doing math, science, technology, and engineering. We have 2 night where we go to schools to show 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls the things we have learned.

    • Hi Jayla,
      I’ve missed you SO much, and was over the moon when I read your email! I thought of you today when we used gummy bears to generate data for our stem-and-leaf graphs, and then determined the measures of center & variation. I’m not sure that my students realize there won’t be many hands on opportunities in middle school, so it was really nice to hear that you appreciated those activities last year. I’m so proud of all you’re involving yourself in while attending middle school. You’re an amazing young lady with such potential, and I can’t wait to hear what you do in the future! I’d love it if you came to Longan to show our 3rd-5th grade girls what you’re learning in your STEM club. Are you at Holman Middle or Hungary Creek? Thank you so much for emailing…it makes me so happy to hear from my special students.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • Hi Mrs. Beam
        I am at Holman. In 6th grade, there are some hands-on activities but very little. My English teacher reminds me of you because you have always believed in me when I write even when I got stuck you helped me get over the stump. I also want to say that I am so glad I got you as my 5th-grade teacher.

        • Hi Jayla,
          I’m so glad I was your 5th grade teacher, too! You’re such a smart and special young lady, and always try your best. My son & daughter went to Holman, so I bet they had some of your teachers. You’ll definitely learn a lot from them. Thank you for making me feel appreciated. Sometimes we never hear from our former students which makes me sad. I’m happy and proud to have had you in my class last year.

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

          • Hi Mrs, Beam,
            I am sorry that sometimes you never hear from former students. But, I am not one of those students. Holman is a great middle school but I have been here from 5 months now and have been sent to the office 3 times already. What an impression I have. But, they were not from me not behaving but from the drama and the dances. I hope I get to see you outside of school.

            • Hi Jayla,
              I hope your weekend has been good! As you’ve probably already discovered, middle school can be a time when you have to make hard choices about how to handle social situations. If you’ve made mistakes, I know you will learn from them, and reverse any negative impressions you’ve made. You’re an awesome person, and that is easy to recognize, too. I’d love to see you outside of school, too. Have a great week!

              Mrs. Beam

  21. Hey Mrs. Beam! We have a wrestling match on Tuesday at Holman at around 5:30-6pm. I was wondering if you would like to go. It’s our match that determines if my team is #1 or #2 divisional team. We also have a match Thursday at Chickahominy at about the same time.

    • Hi Jadyn,
      Wow, I didn’t know you were on the wrestling team! Good for you! Thank you so much for letting me know. I’m going to see if I can change an appointment I have for that day, but I’ll let you know for sure tomorrow. On Thursday, I have another appointment from 5-6 that I probably can’t change which would make it hard to get there. I’d really love to see you wrestle…and miss seeing you anyway. You’re super special to me! Have a good day tomorrow and I’ll be back in touch!

      Mrs. Beam

    • Hi Jadyn,
      I was able to reschedule my appointment for tomorrow, so I can see you wrestle. I should be there by 5:30 unless you find out it starts later. See you tomorrow!

      Mrs. Beam

    • Hi Atif! How are you? Are you excited about the snow? I’m pretty sure we have about 10 inches right now…can you believe it?! Thanks for emailing me! Are you enjoying middle school? Have a great week!

      Mrs. Beam

    • Wow, thank you so much Jadyn for all of the “Happy Birthday” wishes! You made my day! How in the world did you remember that today is my birthday?! You’re such a cool kid…miss you bunches, but so glad I saw you last week. πŸ™‚

      Mrs. Beam

      • I didnt mean to post so many comments. I don’t even know why it posted so many but I have it on my calendar for I can wish you a happy birthday every year

        • Jadyn,
          That’s okay…I just figured you were trying to be extra thoughtful. πŸ™‚ Thank you again for remembering me. Hope you have a good week. Only one more full week before Thanksgiving. Yay!

          Mrs. Beam

    • Francesco,
      I really wish I could have come to one of your games last week. They both were on the same day as my daughter’s volleyball games. πŸ™ Do you have any more home games?
      Thanks for letting me know how your year has gone. I’m glad Hungary Creek won some games.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

    • Hi Francesco,
      Thanks so much for letting me know your schedule. I couldn’t come last week because my daughter had a volleyball game. Which days are your games next week & are they at home or away? I hope they aren’t on the same day as my daughter’s volleyball games again, so I can come see you play.

      Have a good weekend!
      Mrs. Beam

  22. Hi Mrs.Beam! How are you doing. Our soccer team lost 2 games. But we won 3 games. We had really good shots on goal. I play Right Wing(Which I am pretty sure that you dont now what that is). Tommorrow we play Brookland. Hope we win!?! I am injured right now so I cant play. I am going to play next week. Miss You Bye!


    • Hello Francesco,
      Thanks for emailing me! Manny told me you’d won your last game, but I didn’t know you were injured. I’m so sorry! Please let me know your game schedule for next week, and I’ll try my best to come to a game. My daughter plays volleyball, so I have to make sure it’s not on the same night.

      Hope to see you soon,
      Mrs. Beam

  23. Hi Mrs. Beam how are you doing?!? Manny told me that to tell you about my soccer game today. Well we lost 3-4 we were so close to making the last goal and tie, but the referee ended the game. Atleast I made one of the three goals. It is my first goal of the season!!! Hope to see you soon!! Bye


    • Thanks for your message Francesco! I’m sorry your team lost the game, but congratulations on making your first goal. Keep trying your best, and I’m sure your team will improve. Good luck at the next game.

      Mrs. Beam

  24. Hi Mrs.Beam! Alyssa here. Sixth grade is interesting… A whole new environment. A lot of my friends are in my classes too! I have many amazing teachers this year. Also, I’m taking Chorus as my elective! I’m super excited for that! My Chorus teacher is amazing! Anyways, how are you doing? Bye!

    • Hi Alyssa! I’m so glad you emailed. What a crazy day with the weather, right? I hope you and your family are doing well. It’s good to hear that you’re adjusting to middle school. I have no doubt that you’ll continue to achieve great things! I’m doing well, and have enjoyed getting to know my new students despite missing you all from last year. Thank you so much for reaching out! Hope to see you soon.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • Mrs.Beam it’s so great to hear you’re doing well! The weather has been really wonky lately, and I’m hoping it’s gonna get back on track soon! I’m currently doing my math homework. (I’m using the PEMDAS trick right now!) I hope I can come and visit soon! I really miss you. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. Bye!

        • Yay, Alyssa! I’m so glad PEMDAS is helping you in math! I’ll look forward to seeing you soon…I miss you bunches! Enjoy the rest of your week!

          Mrs. Beam

          • hi Mrs.beam, right now im in the library and im getting new books. I tried to get saving mr.trupet and mr. trupet falls again i put them on hold

            • Hi Merola,
              I’m glad you’re visiting the library. It might be good to get those books after we finish reading the first book in class. πŸ™‚ Have a good weekend!

              Mrs. Beam

  25. Hi Mrs.Beam. I wanted to say hi and that I’m in 7th grade now. My school just got new computers this year. So i’m trying it out. I miss you and I hope this year I can go visit you.You got my little brother in your class. He said that you said that I didn’t go. I couldn’t because I had to cut the grass. Again I miss you and hope to here from you.

    • Hi Francesco! Thanks so much for your note. I was so excited to find out that Manny was in my class this year…maybe I’ll get to see you when we have the winter concert or some other time. I miss you too, but know you’re going to have a great year in 7th grade. I hope you have a great first day tomorrow!

      Mrs. Beam

      • Mrs.Beam my brother told me that you missed me! I miss you a lot to but I can’t visit right now because I have soccer tryouts and I have to practice and it doesn’t end until Monday. I can Probably visit next week.

        • Hi Francesco,
          Thanks for your message! I love hearing from you. How was your first week of 7th grade? Did you make the soccer team? I really hope so! It’s okay that you can’t visit…I’ll see you sometime soon. I’ve enjoyed having Manny in my class, and he reminds me of you everyday. Hope you have a really fun weekend.

          Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

          • My first week of 7th grade was really good. Was yours? I did make the soccer team this year. We have 10 games in total. Have you heard of the Hurricane Florence. I am actually pretty worried about this Hurricane. Manny has told me everything you and Mrs. Mayes had told him to tell him. I miss! Hope to See YOU Soon!!!

            • Hi Francesco! I’ve had a great few weeks with my new students…I’m teaching them the routines of our classroom. I talked with Manny today about soccer, and he told me you made the team. I’m so proud of you! Manny is practicing to make the team, too, in a few years. It looks like Hurricane Florence is going to make landfall more South than expected, so our area should be okay. We’ll just get rain and maybe some rain. I feel badly for the people of North & South Carolina. I’ll be hoping they’re all prepared and stay safe. Thanks for emailing and have a good long weekend!

              Mrs. Beam

  26. Hi Mrs. Beam.

    This is Andrew Nguyen and I thought I would come on here to say hi. So far middle school is okay. But at least my grades are good. I hope to come visit you at Longan soon and if I can’t I plan on seeing you next year in 7th grade since I made jazz band and we are coming to Longan. I play the bari sax and I’m solo which is pretty sad, but that doesn’t matter to much. Anyways I hope to see you soon.

    • Hi Andrew! I’m so happy you emailed! Hang in there with middle school…6th grade can be weird while you transition. It’s hard to believe we only have 5 more weeks of school!

      How impressive that you made Jazz band as a 7th grader! Even though my son played trumpet, the sax has always been my favorite. I can’t wait to see you next year when you visit Longan! Longan had a spring carnival yesterday, and I saw Kemon, Victor, Samara, Trinity, and Angelina from our class. It would be so cool to have a 2016-17 class reunion. πŸ™‚

      My daughter, Katherine, graduates from VT’s Architecture school this Friday, so I’m super excited for her. I imagine your brother must be finished with his semester and headed home from George Mason. Tell your mom “hello” and I hope to hear from you again when you have the chance. I miss you!

      Mrs. Beam

  27. Mrs.Beam I have good grades. I am doing good in school. I have this new class called Business Computer. I type the whole class but I have fun too! Did you know I can type 36 wpm and 98% accuracy? Cause I didn’t! My teacher is Mrs.Zimmerman. She’s really nice. We have our own monitor and we have to plug up. It’s so cool! I can’t believe it’s marking period 4 already! Can you!?! Well that’s all for now BYE!

    Francesco Martinez-Lopez

    • Francesco,
      Wow, 36 wpm is awesome and might be even faster than me! πŸ™‚ There are only 5 more Monday’s…I can’t believe it. I’m so glad you’re doing well and enjoying school.

      Mrs. Beam

  28. Mrs.Beam my grades are good. All my teachers are nice except for Mr.Seal. He’s my math teacher and always screams at us all the time. He gave me a 0% Test grade. That brought my grade down to a F 42%. But then I did test corrections and then got a 76 and then did a classwork and got it up to a 78. He is so mean I wish you could be my teacher for all my classes. Your class was so fun. I miss everyone. That’s all for now.


    Francesco Martinez-Lopez

    • Hi Francesco,
      Thank you for the email! It always makes me so happy to hear from my former students. You’re such a hard worker, so I know you’ll make it through the rough spots in your learning. I’m proud of you for working hard on test corrections, and pulling up your low grade. I remember you always asked questions on your 5 Problem Review when you didn’t understand. 6th grade is almost over…can you believe it! I miss you, and hope to see you before summer.

      Mrs. Beam

  29. Hi Mrs.Beam I miss you and 6th grade is going awesome. I made new friends. The thing I miss most is recess and snack time.

    • Francesco,
      I’m so proud of you! It’s great that 6th grade is going well, and you’ve made new friends. You’ll continue to do that each year, especially since you’re an awesome kid. Most kids wish they could have snack and recess again when they get to middle school, but instead you get more freedoms in other ways. It’s cool to have a computer to use, isn’t it? Have a great spring break!

      Mrs. Beam

    • HI Mrs.Beam sorry I have not talked to you in so long anyways I hope that while I am in 6th grade I hope to visit and see you again or to see you in my mom’s shop. Thank you for being an amazing teacher and I hope the best for you and
      I miss you- Angelina Nguyen

      • Dear Angelina,
        Thank you so much for the email! It means the world to me to hear from my former Lions. I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow as you begin your journey into middle school. I know you’ll do a fabulous job learning and be a great leader at Hungary Creek. Please let me know how it goes. Kemon and a few of my students from the year before came to visit me on Thursday. I’d love to see you sometime, too. I’m excited to meet my new students, but will miss you and your classmates very much!

        Mrs. Beam

        • HI! I was wondering if you were going to the Carnival at Longan because I would love to see there!

          • Hi Angelina,
            I loved seeing you last week! Thank you so much for visiting. I will be at the carnival probably between 12:30 – 1:30. Hope to see you then.

            Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

  30. Hey Mrs.beam This is Caleb I just wanted to say hi. Middle school is going great I got all A’s and B’s and a C in English I don’t know how I have a C in English and I speak English I just don’t understand. But anyway all is good I’m controlling my temper better only got in one fight though that was it but I’m getting in less trouble

    • Hi Caleb,
      You made me so happy! Thank you for emailing me to let me know how you’ve been doing! I think about you a lot. Congratulations on earning such great grades! You made me laugh when you said you weren’t sure how you have a C in English, even though you speak it. You would have gotten a strong mark for using your “voice” in your writing if I’d been grading it. πŸ™‚ I’m so proud that you’ve learned ways to manage your temper…violence doesn’t solve problems. I hope you’re all set for SOL testing; just another five weeks until summer…boy, time sure does fly! Katherine studied in Chicago and then Switzerland this year, and is home already for the summer. Thomas comes home tomorrow night from his first year at Virginia Tech. I hope to see you soon. Fondly, Mrs. Beam

      • Hi Ms.Beam it’s Jaden Weaver sorry I forgot to say bye and say that you were the best teacher I ever had thank you for teaching me new things bye.

        • Jaden,
          Thank you for the best teacher gift ever! Your email means so much to me & so do you! I’m sorry the day was so hectic at the end…thank you for being a great DJ. I’m so proud of you, and know you can do great things in middle school. Have a great summer, and maybe I can see you in the fall when your brother comes back to school.
          Mrs. Beam

  31. Hey Mrs. Beam! It’s Michelle! I already miss you and Elementary school already. Anyway it’s going well so far and i’m making a good amount of friends. I hope you and your class is doing well. I really like all my teachers so far and i’m pretty sure your students do too. Anyway I will write to you again soon! Bye!

    PS. Let me know how Natalie is doing. It’s been awhile since I have seen her.

    • Hi Michelle,
      I’m so glad to hear from you! I miss you bunches, but am glad you’re doing well in middle school. I’ll tell Natalie that you mentioned her. I enjoy having her for math class. Enjoy the rest of your week!
      ~Mrs. Beam

  32. Hello Mrs. Beam!
    Its Abigayle:) Middle school is amazing! All my teachers are really nice and one even said to tell all our 5th grade teachers that you guys did such a great job teaching us. I have had some difficulties but I think Iv’e gotten everything down smoothly. I have even made a couple of new friends! I miss you a lot and hope your new class is good for you!

  33. Hi Mrs.Beam!!! It’s Larissa! I just wanted to let you know that middle school is going great! I love all my teachers this year, even my science teacher whom I may enjoy learning life science from! A few of my teachers are crazy, but I DEFINITELY love that. I had a little trouble finding my classes and opening my locker the first day of school, but after that I got the hang of it. I hope you and your family are doing well. Wish your new class Good Luck for me and I hope to see you at a Herm football game

    • Larissa,
      Hi! It made me so happy to receive this message! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I’m thrilled that you love your teachers, and I had no doubt that you’d do great in middle school. I miss you!!! It’s been an adjustment having both Katherine and Thomas away, but Sarah is trying to keep us busy. πŸ™‚ She just got her learners permit! Yikes! Tell your mom “hi”…we might be going to the Cat Bowl this Friday. Hope to see you there (or soon). Have a great day & thanks again for thinking of me. Love, Mrs. Beam

      • Abigayle,
        Hi! Happy Friday! I’m so happy you sent me a message on my blog. I love hearing how much you’re enjoying middle school. It’s quite an adjustment, but I’m sure you’re doing great. I’m glad you’ve found a few new friends, and have no doubt you’ll be liked by many more as the year progresses. It makes me feel good to hear that the middle school teachers feel you’re prepared. You certainly heard me say often how much I wanted to prepare you for your next adventure. Hopefully, that will continue to be the case. Which subject is your favorite this year? I really miss your smiling face in my class, but feel lucky I can keep in touch a bit from your mom & through this blog. We’re headed to see Thomas at VT this weekend. Hope you have a fun few days off from school. Love, Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

        • Mrs. Beam,
          I LOVE ENGLISH!! My teacher is amazing! (Not better than you though:)) I also like gym because its my one class with Sydney. Oh yea, I also like art, my teacher has a good sense of humor. I CANT DECIDE!!!
          I hope you have fun with your son,

          • Hi Abigayle,
            I’m so glad that you love your English class, and I hope your teacher is better than me. πŸ™‚ As you get to the upper grades, you get the benefit of having teachers who are more specialized in each of their subject areas. We enjoyed our time with Thomas…now I’m counting down the days until he and his sister come home for Thanksgiving.
            ~Mrs. Beam

  34. Ms.Beam I’m So so so so so so sorry that I didn’t say happy Birthday I’ve just been really busy lately. So Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I hope you special day was amazing. And that your school year is still going great. Jada and I miss you!!!! Hope you also had a happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

  35. Hi mrs.Beam sorry I forgot to email you on the 6 of november Happy late birthday I hope you had fun miss you so much.

    • Hi Mya,
      You made my day! I miss you so much, and think of you often. I hope middle school is going well, and would love to hear about it anytime you have the chance. What is your favorite subject this year? Please come by to see me if you can.

      Mrs. Beam πŸ™‚

      • Hopefully soon I can visit! My favorite subject would have to be english.. I’ll drop by soon πŸ™‚ Hows school for you?

      • Hi again Mya,
        I thought you’d say English. πŸ™‚ Have you read any good books lately? I read a lot of books this summer, but I’ve not had too much time to read for pleasure since school began. πŸ™ My students voted to read Hatchet in class, so at least I’m getting to enjoy that story. Have a safe & happy Halloween! Hope to see you soon.

        Mrs. Beam
        PS. It won’t let me underline the book title.

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