3 1/2 Days of First Grade Left!!!!

Wow what a wet night we all had!  Hope you were able to enjoy Saturday and Sunday!!!

We have 3 1/2 days left of school!  Thursday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:35.

Please wear your orange class t-shirt on Wednesday!  We will be having a moving up ceremony!

We enjoyed eating plants last week at our plant eating party with Ms. Elliot’s class!  We enjoyed:  roots, stem, leaves, flowers, seeds and fruit.  We learned that the fruit (apple) was the most popular part of the plant!

This week we will:

Language:  Review phonics that we have learned, recap our year in writing, Father’s Day gift and card

Math:  Problem solving strategies, math facts addition and subtraction to 20

Science:  Summer and the changes in people, plants, animals and weather

Important Dates:

Thursday, June 16th  – Last Day of School !  Half Day of School for Students

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