Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I see snow, sleet and rain outside so far today!  Hope you are all staying safe and warm.  Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  We will be off from school on Monday to honor and celebrate MLK!

Reminder – the homework changed last week!

  1.  There is a new homework letter to be completed and is due on Friday.

2.  Also, each student is to complete 5 or more lessons in Dreambox.  I check the accounts on Sunday to see who met the requirements for homework for the previous week.  If you are not sure how many lessons you child has completed, have them log onto Dreambox and go to their Avatar in the top corner.  It will show the lessons completed for the week.  It resets on Sunday.

I also sent home a sheet for students to make a map of their room.  Please work with them to be sure that they include all of the parts of a map:  title, compass rose, map legend with symbols.  Map of your room is due on Tuesday, January 18!

We will begin a unit on animals next week.  We are asking that each student bring in 1 shoe box to use for their project.  The project will be completed at school.

The week we will learn about:

Language: long o with magic e and long u with the magic e, continue research on Saber-toothed tiger, and using transitional words in our writing

Math:  place value, comparing numbers using greater than and less than, ordering numbers

Social Studies: Martin Luther King, Jr., map skills expanded to include locating the United States, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Richmond on a map.  We will begin a unit on geography and landforms


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