Weekly Update 11-1-19

Dear Families,

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween yesterday. I am sure that they children enjoyed going out in their costumes in search of candy. I miss going out with my own children now that they are all grown up.

We are just finishing another fabulous week in kindergarten. I hope the students enjoyed all of our fun activities that we had for our spirit week. On Monday, the students worked in four different stations for our STEAM DAY challenge. All of stations centered around the poem called “The Five Little Pumpkins.”


A big thank you goes out to all of the parents and relatives who were able to come out and help with our STEAM DAY activities. Please enjoy these pictures from Monday.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful turnout at our first “Book or Treat” event at Trevvett. It was great to see so many families who were able to come out and enjoy this event. The kindergarten teachers had fun dressing up as Pete the Cat and decorating our classroom doors. Check out these pictures of our door and yours truly as Pete the Cat.

On Wednesday, the children were able to have fun at the Big Blast fundraiser celebration. The students were able to enjoy thirty minutes of fun activities including a bouncy house and slide. Check out these pictures from the Big Blast.

Next week we will be learning about:


Language Arts: k.8d Questioning

Poem: 5 Little Speckled Frogs

Words: it, and

Phonics:  ending sounds/final consonants  


Essential Questions: 

JR Module 8 Green Questions








Math:  Compare and Order Sets

K.2   The student, given no more than three sets, each set containing 10 or fewer concrete objects, will

  1. a) compare and describe one set as having more, fewer, or the same number of objects as the other set(s); and
  2. b) compare and order the sets from least to greatest and greatest to least. 

Vocabulary:more, fewer, same, compare, order, greatest, least, set

Essential question:

  • How do we compare two sets to tell whether they have the same number of items?
  • How can we make a set that has the same number of items as another set?
  • What do the words fewer, more, and the same mean?


Science/Social Studies: Past/Present

K.3  The student will sequence events in the past and present and begin to recognize that things change over time.


Essential Questions

  • What changes have recently occurred in the classroom or school community?
  • Which events can be shown on a timeline to show change over time?
  • How can people learn about the past?



  • past: something that has already happened  

present: what is happening now


Monday, November 4th  Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Tuesday, November 5th Teacher Workday/ No School for students

Book Fair in the Library begins on Monday, November 4th

If you still haven’t signed up for a parent/teacher conference, I still have some spaces available. Please click the following link to sign up:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0548aaab2ea4f58-november

Please remember to sign and return your child’s blue PAW sheet that will be coming home today. Also, please review the red sight words that came home with your child earlier in October. I will be checking to see if your child knows these words. Some students  have already mastered the red rainbow words and have moved on to the orange sight word list. If you have misplaced the red sight word list, please email me or write a note and I will send home another word list with your child. Finally, your child will be bringing home new homework today in their yellow Trevvett folder.

Thanks for sending in your child’s turkey project. The students did a wonderful job on this project. These turkey projects are displayed in our hallway sleeves right outside of our classroom.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Smith:)


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