Week of January 24 – 28

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! It’s hard to believe, but we are halfway done with the school year. My students are working very hard and growing in so many ways this year!  Way to go, 5th graders, and way to go, parents!  🙂

I hope that everyone has signed up for middle school classes at Pocahontas.  If you have not yet signed up for courses, please click on this link for instructions and helpful links.  If you have ANY questions about the process, please contact our school counselor, Mrs. Jones at rwjones@henrico.k12.va.us.

As I’m sure your child has told you, we will be having a STEAM challenge day on Wednesday this week!  This day is also a half day (dismissal at 11:40) and the last day of the 2nd quarter.  I explained to the class that their challenge will be to build a chair out of only recyclable materials.  Their chair must hold a member of their group!  Students are asked to bring in recyclable materials from home by Wednesday morning.  Thanks for your assistance with this!

Here is our 5th grade newsletter with a look ahead at our week!

Thank you for all of your support with your children!

Stay safe and healthy,

~Mrs. Jacobsen


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