Senior Alannah Murphy, television director and instructor Mr. Brad Viar and center director Mrs. Heidi Craft spent the morning visiting eighth graders at Short Pump Middle School. Alannah shared her experiences at the center andContinue reading
Author: balanier
Sign up to shadow at the Center for Communications & Media Relations
Are you interested in learning first-hand about all of the exciting opportunities at the Center for Communications and Media Relations? If so, you can spend the day visiting us and find out what it’s likeContinue reading
Apply to the Center for Communications and Media Relations for the 2022-23 school year
Are you interested in television, journalism, photography, graphic design, multimedia, advertising or public relations? The Center for Communications and Media Relations will help you develop the skills that will make you a truly expressive communicatorContinue reading
Follow us on social media
You can view our latest broadcasts, videos and student projects on our YouTube Channel at VHSDevilsAdvocate. Click here to see our students in action in the broadcast studio and in the field. CheckContinue reading