CFA Show Choir Honors (Company 302)
Course #9298X
1 Credit/Elective/36 Weeks
Prerequisite: successful completion of Entertainment, Design & Technology I Honors
audition-based course; open to any CFA student in any CFA discipline.
- Exhibit knowledge of complex rhythmic patterns, variety of meters, rhythmic accuracy, and choreography
- Participate in musical activities and performances
- Students will design and produce productions to include multiple genres of music, dance, and theatrical elements
Stagecraft & Production Honors
Course #1398XA
2 Credit/Elective/36 Weeks
Prerequisite: successful completion of CFA Acting Studio/Production Design I; CFA Ballet/Modern Dance I; CFA Visual Arts I; or CFA Musical Theatre I
- Production Design
- Live Show Production (Lights)
- Audio/Visual Event Production
Stagecraft & Production Honors – grades 10, 11, 12 (2 credits)
Prerequisite: successful completion of CFA Acting Studio/Production Design I; CFA Ballet/Modern Dance I; CFA Visual Arts I; or CFA Musical Theatre I
First year of the elective sequence consists of mastering the basics not only of technical theater and set construction but also all other facets of production in the live entertainment industry including scenic design, lighting design, sound design (including sound effects), management and marketing, scenic design, lighting and sound design.
This course will cover all facets of the technical aspects and physical needs of live theatrical productions, including but not limited to stage lighting, scenic painting, basic carpentry, costuming, prop-making, script analysis, research, drawing, drafting, model-making, light and sound plots and cueing. Additional projects will focus on stage management, publicity, prosthetics, make-up and costume design. Students enrolled in this course will create professional portfolios by engaging in community outreach and hands-on work; students enrolled in this course will also serve as the creative design team, production and technical crew for Center for the Arts Showcase productions and/or Henrico HS Performing Arts and Drama Club productions. Participation in extra-curricular activities and productions may be required to receive credit for this course.
Entertainment Design & Technology Honors
Course #1399XA
2 Credit/Elective/36 Weeks
Prerequisite: successful completion of Stagecraft & Production Honors
- Expanded Live Show Production & Design
- Audio/Visual Event Production/Support
- Internship/Field Experience
- Portfolio Development
Entertainment Design & Technology Honors – grades 11, 12 (2 credits)
Prerequisite: successful completion of Stagecraft & Production Honors
Second year of the elective sequence is designed as a practicum year, with student-led and student-designed projects involving all aspects of theatrical production and design. Students will continue work on their professional portfolios. Specializations will include production design, live show production and audio/visual event production. Students are expected to undertake leadership roles in Center for the Arts Showcase productions and Henrico High School Performing Arts and Drama Club productions. Field experience hours (internship opportunities with local theater organizations and/or partnering HCPS schools) may be required. Participation in extra-curricular activities and productions may be required to receive credit for this course.
Leadership positions include, but are not limited to, Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, Prop Master, Set Designer, Master Electrician, Master Carpenter, Sound Board Operator, Light Board Operator, Publicity & Marketing Director, Box Office Sales, Public Relations, Costume Maker, Costume Designer, Wig, Hair & Make-Up Designer. Students in these Leadership roles will also serve as mentors to the students enrolled in the Stagecraft & Production course.
CFA Modern Humanities Dual Enrollment
Course # D2720XAG JRSCC Hum Modern 202
.5 Credit/Elective/18 Weeks
- Demonstrate an understanding of cultural foundations regarding the Humanities and its effect on the greater world
- Analyze topics in western and non-western cultures linking overarching questions through examining the Humanities
- Identify and classify the various forms of the fine and decorative arts, noting their stylistic relationships to the cultures from which they come, as well as their development from the medieval period through the late nineteen century
- Recognize innovation and changes within music, theatre and dance arts
CFA Humanities Women & Gender Studies Dual Enrollment
Course #D2720XAH JRSCC Hum Intro Wom_Gen Studies 210
.5 Credit/Elective/18 Weeks
- Demonstrate an understanding of Women and Gender issues within global communities and contexts
- Discover how gender has been socially constructed and maintained through a variety of institutions in both American society and worldwide
- Discuss and analyze intersectionality theory and the complexity of group membership and identities, and the matrix of oppression
- Examine the impact of women within the culture and historical contexts of social groups throughout the world by focusing on interdisciplinary topics involving interrelationships among Women in the Humanities and related fields