Category: News

SOL Commercial: Caveman

Watch the latest SOL commercial to see how students took SOLs back in the Stone Age. Post a comment to be entered into a drawing for a prize.

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Chorus keys in new teacher

The newest member of the Blue Devil family is chorus teacher Steven Ryan.

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Inattentive drivers in U.S. cause 15 deaths each year

Texting, talking to friends, changing the radio are distractions that lead to car accidents on the roadways and in parking lots.

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Addiction leads to distrcation

Cell phone users seem unable to put the phones down. With calling, texting and social networks, some students constantly have a phone in their hand, even when behind the wheel of a vehicle.

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Stricter driving laws punish multitaskers

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for teenagers, but first they must learn the rules of the road including the consequences of driving while using their favorite gadget: their cell phone.

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