School welcomes new leadership

By Sarah Chapman and  Mackenzie Rhinehardt

Several changes have occurred in the administrative staff.

Assistant principals Latanya Bowers and Joshua Battistone and administrative intern Robert Stevens joined the school administrative team this fall.

Assistant principal Cody Streightiff was promoted to associate principal when Robert Turpin was promoted to principal of Hermitage High School. Assistant principal Peter Nogueras joined the Hermitage administrative team.

Sophomore Alyssa Owens said it was hardest for her to adjust to Mr. Turpin leaving because he was a father figure to her.

“It’s important to have a relationship with your administrator, so you have someone to talk to that you trust because you’re not going to talk to just anybody,” Alyssa said.

Reading teacher Ashley Walker said losing administrators was bittersweet. She said the new administrators bring a “fresh energy.”

“They all come from different places with different perspectives,” she said.

Mrs. Bowers, who previously worked at Godwin High School and Elko Middle School, attended the University of Miami for one year before transferring to Virginia Commonwealth University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in science and a master’s degree in education.

Mrs. Bowers said the hardest part of her job is doing what’s right when her decision may have both a positive and negative impact.

Mr. Battistone, a Navy veteran, is now safety administrator. He previously worked at Deep Run High School and earned his undergraduate degree at Montana State University and his master’s degree at Virginia Commonwealth University.

“My job is to make sure that when you come to school and leave, you go home with a head, two arms and two legs,” Mr. Battistone said.

Mr. Stevens taught at Virginia Randolph and at Deep Run High School for summer school. He received his undergraduate degree from Old Dominion University. He said the teachers, students and administrators have been good to him.

“I love Varina, everyone is willing to help out,” Mr. Stevens said.

Alyssa said that the new administrators are approachable.

“I’ve [developed] a relationship with Mr. Stevens and Ms. Bowers. It’s easy to talk to them. They are very understandable,” Alyssa said.

Although his assigned administrator is Mr. Streightiff, senior Juvelle Winston said his favorite new administrator is Mr. Battistone,

“Sometimes the way they enforce the rules is a good thing, and sometimes it’s a bad thing. It’s different strokes for different folks,” Juvelle said. “Different things work better for different people. I don’t and never will get in trouble at school.”

Mr. Streightiff has worked at Varina High School for 15 years as a social studies teacher, department chair, administrative intern, assistant principal and now as associate principal. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in education from James Madison University and a master’s degree in administration from Virginia Commonwealth University.

“My favorite part is that it’s different every day; it’s not always the same,” Mr. Streightiff said. “My nature, I would get super bored and struggle with a desk job or a job where I’m doing the same thing every day.”


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