Editorial: Parking rules

The administration has implemented new parking rules and procedures that benefit student drivers and provide safer parking lots.

Seniors now have assigned parking spaces. Previously, seniors with parking passes received a sticker for the back of their cars, which made it possible for them to park anywhere in the senior lot. Now, seniors receive a tag with their parking spot number to hang on their rear view mirror. They must park in their assigned spaces. Juniors have hanging tags as well, but they do not have assigned spots.

If a senior’s spot is taken, he or she must park in the closest open space or the tennis court lots and notify administrators immediately. They cannot park in another student’s assigned space.

These new parking rules make it easier for senior drivers in the morning. They know that they have a guaranteed spot that remains the same every day. Also, students without a parking tag will be ticketed or towed. This is beneficial to those who have paid $50 for a parking pass. They will not have students who did not obtain a parking pass parking in their spot or in their assigned lot.

Let’s continue to keep the parking lot a safe and easy place to park every day.

Permanent link to this article: https://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/bluedevilsadvocate/2017/06/15/editorial-accreditation-warning/

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