“Prime Suspect” is the latest NBC drama. The show has a serious tone with underlying humor and an interesting cast that keeps the viewer watching. “Prime Suspect” is a different type of drama, which goes right into the heart of New York City, and it may just be the new show to overtake “Law & Order.”
In the series premiere, a feisty Jane (Maria Bello) is adjusting to her new position as a New York City detective surrounded by all male colleagues. From the start viewers can tell Jane isn’t going to back down from the guys. In an earlier scene, she pulled out her badge on a cab driver who wouldn’t take her to her destination.
When one of her male colleagues has a heart attack and dies, Jane assumes the lead role in an important case, but of course the guys aren’t too excited about that. The men don’t respect Jane because she is the only female, but Jane could care less. As soon as she is put in charge, she is authoritative and works on the case her way.
Near the end of the show, Jane fights for her life with a criminal who nearly chokes her to death. Her face takes most of the beating. When backup detectives arrive to assist her, she asks, “You got a cigarette?” making Jane one of the toughest women characters on television in a long time.
With her demanding ways, Jane will become the hottest detective on NBC Primetime giving it a hardcore edge. Unlike “CSI” and “Law and Order,” “Prime Suspect” depicts what true detectives in New York City do. The actors do their best to make the show realistic by using New York accents and recreating everyday behaviors New York people like the cab driver in the season premiere who was being rude for no reason.
Jane is the reason the show will be a hit. The men aren’t as entertaining, but she makes up for it with her daring personality. She’s not afraid to back down from anyone or to stand up to a challenge. For Jane, it’s not about making friends; it’s about finishing cases.
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