A Birthday Message for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Summary The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., informed the American public of the challenges faced by African …
Summary The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., informed the American public of the challenges faced by African …
Summary Students beginning middle school, often have questions about their abilities and achievements. Gifted students, especially often want to know what does it mean to …
Summary Critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are heightened as SPED functional students use their current knowledge of days of the week, numbers, picture /word …
Summary As part of a end of unit authentic assessment, students were given a performance task to research the social, economic, and technological changes of …
Summary This project was designed as a way for students to not only master math concepts, but to teach each other by using their cell …
Summary For this project, students will create a modern-day myth based off of Greek Mythology. They will take what they have learned about Ancient Greece …
Summary In this lesson students will work in a group and choose a current controversial issue to research, present, and debate to their classmates. Each …
Summary Students practiced tone and theme summarization skills by summarizing book reports into 103 Character essays. The essays are part of the Chipotle “Cultivating Thought …