Solving the Hardships of Jamestown – 4456
Summary The purpose of this project was to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the hardships faced by the Jamestown setters and to use …
Summary The purpose of this project was to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the hardships faced by the Jamestown setters and to use …
Submitted by: Terran Evans School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph Summary Students have completed “Introduction to Baking” and understanding of the basic ingredients used in …
Summary As a follow-up to average an atomic mass lesson, in this activity, students try to determine the percent abundance of two types of pennies …
Summary The purpose of this lesson is to have students consider who they listen to when making a variety of potentially important decisions in their …
Summary Students will use a variety of resources and technologies to research the body coverings and habitats of animal adults and their offspring. National Geographic …
Submitted by: Shelly Barnard and Alison Timm Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT School: Hungary Creek Middle Summary After completing an introductory unit on Figurative Language students …
Teacher: Jackie Herrmann, Deep Run High School (with assistance from Greg Metcalf, ITRT.) Summary In order to understand and internalize new information, students need to …
Summary This lesson incorporates Seasonal Patterns SOL K.9 and specifically focuses on how the behaviors of some animals change when the seasons change. The students …
Summary Google Drive is a great way for teachers to go paperless and also provides students with electronic documents that they can safely store in …
Summary Your math teacher recently won the lottery and decided to purchase a string of four islands. It is your job to find a developer …