_Speak_ Across the Curriculum
Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Browne, Mr. Kaufman, Ms. Paul, and Mrs. McCrickard School: ACE at Highland Springs Grade Level(s): Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): …
Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Browne, Mr. Kaufman, Ms. Paul, and Mrs. McCrickard School: ACE at Highland Springs Grade Level(s): Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Bright School: Pinchbeck ES Grade Level(s): Grade 1 Content Area(s): US History Lesson Summary As we celebrate Black History Month, students will …
Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Wimmer School: Holladay ES Grade Level(s): Grade 1 Content Area(s): Social Studies, Language Arts Lesson Summary First graders review their understanding of …
Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Davis School: MS – Wilder Grade Level(s): Grade 7 Content Area(s): English Lesson Summary Have you ever imagined what life would be …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Lombard, Mrs. Kaplan, Ms. Morse School: Freeman HS Grade Level(s): Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 Content Area(s): Journalism Lesson …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Hadd School: Maybeury ES Grade Level(s): Kindergarten Content Area(s): Science, Children’s Engineering Lesson Summary Students researched what causes objects to sink and float. …
Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Snellings, Mr. Helwig School: Freeman HS and Deep Run HS Grade Level(s): Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): Spanish Lesson Summary Students worked …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Young and Ms. Leo School: Ashe ES Grade Level(s): Grade 3 Content Area(s): Life Science Lesson Summary Students learned about Animal Adaptations …
Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Rock School: Tucker HS Grade Level(s): Grade 11 Content Area(s): English Lesson Summary As a final project for the study of Hamilton, …
Summary Critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are heightened as SPED functional students use their current knowledge of days of the week, numbers, picture /word …