iHistory – President Cell Phone – 5311
Summary Students will create an iPhone for one of the first 5 U.S. Presidents, had iPhones existed then. Each “iPhone” will have contain at least …
Summary Students will create an iPhone for one of the first 5 U.S. Presidents, had iPhones existed then. Each “iPhone” will have contain at least …
Summary Students were learning about the periodic table and asked many questions about the elements we use everyday or that sounded familiar to them. This …
Submitted by: Amy Stills School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph Summary Students in Business Law have already discussed the differences between rules and laws and …
Summary The teacher discussed the Virginia Historical Highway Markers web page that is a part of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources website. The teacher …
Submitted by: Andrea Nachman School: Virginia Randolph Education Center Summary Our school was having an assembly to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each class …
Summary Students research the meaning of prefixes and create a presentation teaching the meaning of these prefixes to others. Students choose groups, choose from a …
Summary Economics involves concepts that are difficult for 1st graders to understand. The First Grade Marketplace makes Economics come to life for the students. Over …
Summary This school is implementing the “Leader in Me” character education program, so for this project, students studied a famous American and predicted how that …
Summary After completing our studies on the American Revolution (VS5a-c), the students were challenged with creating video segments that would cover the topics that were …
Summary In groups of three, students chose a topic from the science curriculum that was taught during the first semester. Students individually researched their sub-topics, …