Daring Drone Drops Across Virginia!
Teacher(s) Name: Miss Raymond School: Harvie ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies Lesson Summary During this cross-curricular activity, students (in groups of …
Teacher(s) Name: Miss Raymond School: Harvie ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies Lesson Summary During this cross-curricular activity, students (in groups of …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Basham, , , and School: Gayton ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies Lesson Summary Students created a common Google …
Teacher(s) Name: Miss Genazia School: Tuckahoe ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies Lesson Summary Students created a collaborative timeline to showcase events …
Summary As part of a end of unit authentic assessment, students were given a performance task to research the social, economic, and technological changes of …
This lesson is for : Grade 4: Summary After identifying the five regions of Virginia and learning about their historical importance, students needed to shift …
This lesson is for : Grade 4: Summary We studied the geographic regions of Virginia and had the students complete a project on one of …
This lesson is for : Grade 4: Summary Society is obsessed with finding the biggest and the best of everything from sports to entertainment, and …
Summary This is a cross-curricular lesson that incorporates 4th Grade Virginia Studies, persuasive writing, research skills, and community collaboration. The students will act as Real-Estate …
Summary Having a hard time getting your students to connect to history? This lesson ties the present day concept of “Shark Tank Sales Pitch” to …
Summary In the course of their Virginia Studies in fourth grade and their study of Henrico County in fifth-grade, students were familiar with both the …