Causing a Commotion With Our Virtual Motion Houses – 7091
Summary After learning about force and motion, students worked together to find examples of items they would find in their homes and described the motions …
Summary After learning about force and motion, students worked together to find examples of items they would find in their homes and described the motions …
Summary During social studies instruction, these second graders have been learning about the seven continents and the five oceans. Each of the students chose a …
Summary The design of this lesson gives students an opportunity to take an active role in researching the animals that are native and non-native to …
Summary Every grade in elementary school learns about seasonal changes and the weather (SOL K.10, 1.7, 2.7, 3.8, 4.8, 5.7) so a small group of …
Summary Each year the 3rd grade students at Holladay Elementary take a PE field trip to Three Lakes Park to go fishing. This year we …
Summary The students will research and learn about a variety of sports in the Winter Olympics. They will start by researching what sports involve a …
Summary Students created a timeline of all major geologic and biologic events beginning with the formation of the Earth and ending with present time. Using …
Summary The class will conduct a group experiment with different materials to find out what happens when certain items are placed in water. Once students …
Summary While watching The Hunger Games movie, I realized there was an abundance of genetically engineered and genetically modified organisms (GE/GMOs). Since GE/GMO’s are part …
Summary Lesson Website: www.tinyurl.com/thegreatenergydebate (containing all lesson materials) Energy: it powers our lives. We use energy to power our schools, cars, homes and so much more. What …