What are Varina’s Teens Reading?

Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Suders

School: Varina HS

Grade Level(s): Grade 11

Content Area(s): English

Lesson Summary

How do we get more students to love reading? What are some of the great young adult novels that are interesting to teens? Students wrote detailed book reviews of some of their favorite titles and created multimedia products to sell the books to their peers. In partnership with the Varina Area Public Library, the students contributed their work to a peer-to-peer novel awareness campaign to increase teen literacy in our community.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating:Not Observed – Explanation: The students read novels and wrote/created about the novels with no additional research.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Entry – Explanation: This was an individual project, but students contributed to a collaborative blog.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students used higher order thinking skills to evaluate the books of their choosing and solved an authentic problem with a genuine audience. Through their writing and multimedia creations, students, evaluated, summarized, recommended, and analyzed the books and their creative creation.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students were at the center of this project, with choice at all steps of the process, making original creations (written and multimedia) using digital tools of their selection, without teacher limitations to the creativity of their product. They also reflected on the creative process and shared their work with the community as the audience.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts