The Turnip: Questioning society’s veneers and values through satire

Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Smith

School: Freeman HS

Grade Level(s): Grade 11

Content Area(s): English, Language Arts

Lesson Summary

In response to a society ripe for satirical picking, students create satirical videos or write articles to address a social ill and call for reform, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of satire. Student work is compiled to a satirical news website, The Turnip, which is modeled after the popular satirical tabloid and website, The Onion.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency



  • Students identify potential topics to ridicule by carefully examining current topics and trends in the news and social media.
  • The teacher facilitates and formatively assesses students as they demonstrate information fluency through their analysis and synthesis of topics through the lens of satire and being “a great noticer of people”.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal


  • Students may work with self-selected partners to collaboratively complete plan and create a satirical news video.
  • Through the process of completing this project outside of class time, the teacher designs challenges that promote collaboration within and beyond the classroom, and students select and use appropriate tools to communicate and collaborate with their group members as they complete the project.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching


  • By using Adobe Premiere, which is a tool most students are not familiar with, the teacher and ITRT facilitate and guide students through a range of problem solving strategies as they learn to use this new tool.
  • As students plan and craft their satirical pieces, they must justify their decision-making practices.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal


  • By providing an example video and student work from a previous year and requiring students to incorporate elements such as the News Crawler, the teacher models strategic risk taking, creativity, and craftsmanship.
  • As students review, evaluate, and critique their peers’ contributions to The Turnip, the teacher develops, facilitates, and assesses a learning environment where students are engaged in creativity and innovation.
  • Through the process of creating a satirical news video using Adobe Premiere, students create unique products that incorporate strategic risks and creative choice.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts