Ancient Civilization Shake Up

Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Elizabeth White

School: Johnson ES

Grade Level(s): Grade 3

Content Area(s): Social Studies, World History, Art, Technology, Children’s Engineering, Creative Communication

Lesson Summary

Students are given the following task:
A hurricane has developed in the Atlantic Ocean. It has hit land in Washington D.C. and destroyed the Ancient Civilization Hall at the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian has hired your team to redesign and recreate this hall. The Smithsonian expects the new exhibit to include artifacts and information from three of the five ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Mali, Egypt, and China.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students chose which research source they wanted to use in order to find the information about the ancient civilization of their choice (encyclopedias, Britannica online, flip charts used in class, interactive notes)

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Through the use of their digital tools, students were able to communicate with their partner to collect research, collaborate ideas, and construct their ancient civilization exhibits.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students generated and were able to respond to purposeful questions. When faced with problems/decisions, students not only had to communicate their thoughts and opinions, but work through it with the members of their team as well. The open ended task of creating their own exhibit artifacts made them think of how they would portray their ideas, not just on paper.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating:  Ideal – Explanation: Through group work as well as individual work, students were able to work through problems they encountered, including what supplies they would use to create their artifacts, how they would create them, and the meaning behind them.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts