4th Grade Social Studies Review

Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Basham, , , and

School: Gayton ES

Grade Level(s): Grade 4

Content Area(s): Virginia Studies

Lesson Summary

Students created a common Google Site for a social studies review site. The site was shared with all students in the class who would now have editing rights. Next, research was imperative. Students used their study guides from throughout the year and explored some teacher approved search engines. Teacher modeled the importance of note taking and not plagiarizing. Teacher also modeled how to cite sources and include these citations on each page of the site. Students worked independently and cooperatively with their “page buddy”. Editing and design were discussed and modeled for students. When students were complete with their assignments, class would go back to reflect on official site and make any adjustments necessary. Final website was shared with other 4th grade classrooms to help them with their social studies curriculum.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating:Ideal – Explanation: This falls in the ideal range for research and information fluency. Students needed to obtain proper sites and synthesize information to include into their projects. Students needed to demonstrate proper note taking skills, citation of resources, and delivery of information.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This falls into the approaching category. Students needed to work with partners and develop roles for their work. Students needed to reflect upon other suggestions and criticisms.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This falls into the approaching category. Students needed to problem solve immediate problems and critically think about what could be done organizationally. Deeper thought of on how to create a product that would engaged school aged children was visited.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Developing – Explanation: This falls in the developing category. Students took part of a common project and showed creativity within their own page. Parameters were set by the teacher because it was needed for this project.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts