The Quioccasin Design Firm: Designing Spaces

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Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Buckler

School: MS – Quioccasin

Grade Level(s): Grade 7

Content Area(s): Gifted

Lesson Summary

Designing and marketing homes to clients can be complex in nature. During this unit, students explored the real world roles of architect and interior designer. Students gained insight into important skills such as drawing to scale, calculating area, color theory, and traffic flow. Then, students practiced implementing these concepts by blueprinting and redesigning their own bedroom. The culminating project is that students worked in pairs to design a unique house for a specific set of clients. They calculated mortgage, maintained a budget, constructed accurate blueprints, and employed color theory while creating interior design storyboards. Students went through a real world process of presenting their blueprints and designs to their peers who acted as their clients.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating:Ideal – Explanation: This lesson fits into the ideal category of research and information fluency. Students were required to research and synthesize a variety of information in order to complete the task of designing a home that fit both the budget and requests of their client. The students were required to search multiple facts of what is including in the home building and design process and to use that knowledge in their role throughout the project.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson fits into the ideal category of communication and collaboration. While students only worked with each other on their projects, experts from the community were brought into the classroom to help them understand the process of interior design, construction and architecture.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson fits into the ideal category of critical thinking and problem solving. Students had to work together to ask their clients appropriate questions so that they could design a home that best fit their needs. Students were also given access to many resources, however they had to decide which of these resources were valuable and reasonable for their work.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson fits into the ideal category for creativity and innovation. Students had to synthesize the information that they have learned about the design process in order to help them create a home that is unique but also fits into the needs of the client.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts