This lesson is for : Grades 9 – 12:
This project was a collaborative effort between Literature students at Glen Allen High School and Digital Media students at Henrico High School. Students in the Literature class created stories after studying literature and hired artists in the Digital Media class to bring their story to life as a graphic.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Not Observed – Explanation: Research was not the focus of this lesson, however students did have to assemble and synthesize information in order to address an authentic task. Students used graphic art as a tool to display information in a meaningful and interactive way.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students worked in self selected groups to complete an authentic task. They utilized roles within groups and set norms for completing the task while utilizing digital tools for collaboration. Students in both schools collaborated in real time and remotely.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: The central problem posed in the lesson is, “how do you effectively tell a story through art?” Students have to solve this question by working in groups. Students had to justify their reasoning by communicating both to classmates and to clients. They applied digital tools such as photoshop in order to best convey narrative.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This project called for a great deal of creativity in both classes. Students in Literature classes had to create an original story. Digital media students had to create an original work of art collaboratively. Students analyzed a variety of literature as well as forms of graphic art in order to inspire new and original work. Students worked in groups while combining existing, new, and collaborative knowledge to create artwork that met client expectations.