Directing Macbeth

1 Vote

This lesson is for : Grade 12


After completing a study of the play that includes multiple visual interpretations of key scenes, students work in groups to adapt a scene or portion of a scene, filming outside of school and editing during class.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Not Observed

Explanation: N/A


Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal


  • Students work collaboratively with self-selected small groups to plan and film their adaptation of a scene from Macbeth.
  • As students first plan their project and later edit their footage during class, the teacher facilitiates and formatively assesses these authentic tasks where students are engaged in meaningful communication and purposeful collaboration.
  • Groups communicate with each other outside of class through the use of shared Google docs, text messaging, emailing, etc.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching


  • During time given in class for project planning, the teacher circulates through the classroom, supporting students, facilitating indepth group discussions, and modeling a range of critical thinking strategies provided through formative feedback.
  • During the in-class screenings of their scene interpretations, students verbally reflect on their decision-making and justify their group’s artistic choices.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal


  • Through each step in this lesson process, the teacher develops, facilitates, and assesses students who are cooperatively engaged in creativity and innovation.
  • Students creatively interpret a scene from Macbeth and are encouraged to go beyond the parameters of the project.
  • Students are given choice throughout this project — from selecting their own partners and topics, to selecting the best digital tool to use to plan and record their scene interpretations.
  • Students take strategic risks by utilizing additional digital tools including drones, GoPro cameras, etc.

Student Artifact

“Seek to Know No More” from Freeman Videos on Vimeo.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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