This lesson is for : Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12:
Students in the high school draw floating head portraits of Hermitage alumni from past vintage yearbooks while leaving negative space on the page. Copies of these drawings are sent to the feeder schools (Holladay Elementary and Moody Middle). First and eighth graders at the respective schools draw in the bodies for the remaining space. The drawings are sent back to Hermitage where the Art 2/3 students added the color work using mediums of their choice. This is a deviation of the drawing game called Exquisite Corpse, created by Surrealists as well as the work of illustrator Mica Angela Hendricks. The final pieces are combined in a website that is shared amongst the schools for students to see ending artwork.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Not Observed – Explanation:
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The teacher sets up the schools that will collaborate on the drawings. Students provide all the imagery and creativity for the final artwork. The class website is created by the students who are responsible for documentation and sharing their pieces with the participating schools community. At the conclusion of the project the class reflected on what they would have asked their elementary and middle school partners if they had a chance and discussed how that might have changed their final product.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students make the decisions for what imagery to create. When the high schoolers receive by the new drawing they have to decode the imagery to understand what was rendered from the first graders. They also look at the schema of the students comparing the elementary and middle school imagery. The high school students make decisions on the best mediums to use for each rendered image. Students also share the returned drawings with the class for ideas regarding the best approach for completion. With the final website the class will learn how to make a shared Google Sites and documentation techniques for artists. At the conclusion of the project the class reflects on their biggest challenges and what changes they would make to the final piece.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: All imagery is created by students from many hands. The returned in-process pieces are assessed by the high schoolers as to which mediums will best complete the artwork. While the imagery is created by younger artists, high schoolers have to work with this imagery given to them and find the best way to emphasize the pieces when the style and level of ability is greatly varied. At the end, students reflected on their work by asking themselves if they indeed chose the right medium for their image and what could have improved the image.