#TimeTweets – 99

This lesson is for : Grade 8:


Using Google Spreadsheets and the Knightlab Time Line website, students will create a timeline of key events from World History. In doing so, students will have to use critical thinking skills to assess and choose the most important events they have learned about. They will also have to conduct research to find the dates on which events occurred, as well as summarize information into a succinct account of each event.

In addition, students will have to create a unique visual representation of each of the first four eras in world history. They can use any medium they choose to accomplish this, but the image must be creative, unique, and accurately sum up the content from each era.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: In this teacher facilitated lesson, students utilized both class notes and the internet to research and summarize historical events during specific times in history. Taking that research they completed a google sheet that would combine their writing and visual sources to create a historical timeline of events from the past.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Not observed – Explanation:

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Not observed – Explanation:

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: In this lesson students synthesized their existing knowledge of history into a working timeline that focused on specific events. In addition to the time events students created an original visual work to represent each time period and embed that work into the timeline. The final result of their work combined all of these elements into a virtual timeline.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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