15HS602_Delivering a Business Presentation

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This lesson is for : Grade 11:


This lesson prepares business students to compete in a co-curricular FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) competitive event and to develop public speaking skills. Firstly, students prepare a business presentation with the use of technology. Next, they must demonstrate the ability to deliver an effective business presentation while using multi-media presentation technology. The following scenario is given to the students, and they must research the topic, gather, and organize information; analyze the information, prepare and deliver their information in an effective, business manner. Scenario: You have been asked to give a presentation to a group of small business leaders in your community on “How the Affordable Care Act’s rules, costs, and tax implications will likely impact their businesses.”

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: In this lesson, the teacher and librarian model research strategies of acquiring, evaluating and applying information to address the authentic task of developing a business presentation. As students move through the research process, they are constantly constructing questions, and assembling and organizing their information. In addition, they select a digital tool and use it to display and interact with the information they have gathered and synthesized to form new knowledge

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students work with elbow partners to begin thinking about their assignment. In addition, digital tools are used to communicate the results of the research in a business presentation format.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The assigned task is authentic and engages students in questioning, thinking critically and reaching conclusions. Students select the digital tool they feel is most appropriate for a dynamic presentation.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students synthesize research, communicate via their oral and technology based presentations and apply critical thinking skills. They ultimately create meaningful, original work.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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