15ES403 – Pollution on the Playground is No Playing Matter!

This lesson is for : Grade 3:


After learning about different types of pollution in class, students noticed trash on the playground increasing. They wanted to do something about the land pollution that was building up and make safer playgrounds for others. Through student selected groups, they collected data about the amount of trash they found each day on the playground. Next, each group collaborated to create questions about the type of trash collected. Groups used Padlet, Today’s Meet, and Google Docs to create questions as a group. Students wanted to dig deeper into the problem and contact others outside of the school to see if anyone else noticed the increase in pollution. Using a variety of technology (GoogleDoc, Padlet, Lino) students wrote down their question for each of the experts that they emailed. Groups researched different aspects of pollution using a variety of search engine choices compiled into a Symbaloo. They had a Skype session with Sean Swarner, who lives in Colorado, a cancer survivor who has been to different continents and is the author of the book Keep Climbing, to find out if there was pollution on other continents. Students asked to speak with a local farmer to see if land pollution hurts their crops. Finally, they contacted our local police officer to find out what the consequences were for people who pollute. In groups, students created commercials, news programs, Piktocharts, reflection videos and weebly websites. Each group sent their reflection by email to parents and others in the community. We wish to devise a plan to implement in schools to decrease pollution and increase safety on school playgrounds.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students took an interest in land pollution on the playground. Each group researched an aspect of pollution and did research through kid safe search engines, books from the library, worldwide traveler, local police, and local farmer. Every day students would go outside to record the amount of trash that was found on the playground.Groups created graphs on paper or on They analyzed what they found and predicted if they would find more or less tomorrow. Students also made predictions about how the trash got there, and when they think the most trash can be found. Based on what they found they created questions as a group to research. Students used a website evaluation form to ensure that they were getting credible information.As a class we discussed the websites that were found and the information that studetns gathered. Students came to the understanding that there was a lot more to learn about pollution and the effect of not recycling. Next, groups collaborated together and created ways to show their data through either pencil and paper, commercials or News documents with Dell Webcam, Piktocharts, Weebly sites, and Paltoons. Students shared their data charts and graphics with friends and families, other classrooms. and other groups in the class. One group decided to start a pollution club that would clean up the playground during recess.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students worked in their chosen small groups to find a problem around the community. Groups used a variety of digital tools such as Padlet, Google Docs, Paltoons, Google Slides, Dell Webcam, Piktochart, Skype, Ipads/Computers, Digital Camera, Email, Lucid Chart, Lino, Today’s Meet, Symbaloo of kid-safe search engines, books from the library and Weebly to brainstorm ideas, create group expectations and roles, generate questions for experts, create questions for their problem, research information, present data they have found, present to their classmates and others in the community, collaborate with Sean Swarner in Colorado through Skype, email questions to Farmer Sean,and take pictures with ipads of pollution on the playground. Students shared their information through Google Drive with other teammates to collaborate on the same document. Created a way for everyone to participate and have their ideas heard. Used reflection log to document their feedback with during their time in groups and reflected on how to make this process better.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students provide their thoughts on higher level questions, such as What is pollution? Why do we have pollution? Explain one effect pollution can have? How can we solve this problem? What can you infer will happen next? How could we develop a plan to stop pollution? A few of these questions were as an intro back into the lesson. Groups also came up with their own questions on Lino, Google Docs and Padlet for their teams to research. As they found answers to their questions they would type them in. Before spending time with our experts, groups generated questions to ask each expert. Student wrote questions together using google Doc, Lino, Padlet or paper and pencil based off the research done on pollution. By group students read their questions to the class and explained why they are asking that question. One group decided to use a cause and effect chart on Lucid chart to see what the ultimate end would be if people keep polluting. Another group, found where all the landfills were in richmond and created websites for pollution on Weebly.com.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students were able to create anything about pollution. A group chose to look at the pollution that they collected on the playground. After analyzing their data, they realized that most of their trash were cigarette butts. Next they decided to create a new invention where people could throw their cigarettes away and it would not start a fire. Then using Dell Webcam, they creates a News broadcast to show off the invention and tell others about their invention. This broadcast was shared with other students and sent to others in the community. When students were done, they reflected on their roles in the group and the use of their invention.

Student Artifact


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