This lesson is for : Grade 10:
Critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are heightened as students use their current knowledge of parallel lines and transversals to create a map of a fictitious city of their own design. This lesson provides students with numerous opportunities to combine Geometry along with technology tools and resources and think“ outside of the box”. Their city map will showcase the relationships between pairs of angles formed by the intersection of parallel and perpendicular lines and transversals and will include corresponding angles, alternate interior and exterior, and same-side (consecutive) interior angles. The experience of mapping a city engages critical thinking skills and provides students with the challenge of meeting all requirements for this project. For example, their maps must include a specific number of parallel and perpendicular streets, municipal buildings, parks, schools and other criteria. Students collaborate throughout this lesson as they teach each other how to use technology tools such as ActiveInspire to create flip charts that represent their maps.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Developing – Explanation: Although research and information fluency are not the focus of this lesson, students apply their research skills to search for a clear definition of the key terms in this lesson such as, parallel lines, transversal lines, interior angles, etc. They must analyze each definition and understand how it relates to their map. In addition to using online research sources, students can use prior notes taken in class, visuals (their own drawings) for clarification of terms and concepts.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students collaborate and communicate valuable feedback to each other (in small groups) during the creation of their maps and during the reflection session. They collaborate with each other as they create their maps, and ask good questions about the placement of lines, their proximity to each other, angles and the rubric requirements. The reflection session engages students in a critical discussion of the real world application of their maps.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Creating a city map is a real world problem that students resolve as they apply their critical thinking skills to determine the placement of parallel streets, transversal streets, angle relationships (congruent angles that include vertical angles, angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal) and points of interest on the map they create.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: All maps are unique originals and contain real-world value in that they depict an actual city. The risks taken by students involve the creation of a map that may be ascetically pleasing but lacking in practicality. Thus the peer evaluation of other maps and reflection section enable students to think “outside the box” but also hone their map creation for practical use.
Student Artifact
DesignCity-presentation from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo.