This lesson is for : Kindergarten:
Following a unit on comparing past (colonial times) and present, my students were very interested in finding out more about the children of colonial times and what they did for entertainment. We began by filling out a KWHL chart and answered the questions, What do we already Know? What do we want to learn? and How will we find answers to our questions? At the completion of the lessons, the students were able to answer the question, What did we Learn? Students constructed projects that demonstrated what they learned. Students selected their own groups and collaborated to produce their own game or toy. Recyclables, craft supplies, iPads, and laptops were available for students to create new games, replicate colonial games, and search for pictures to compare colonial and modern day toys. IPads were used for students to take pictures of their works in progress. Using the Shadow Puppet App, students put together a slideshow and recorded their voices with their explanations of the projects. In conclusion, students wrote letters to their senior adult relatives or friends to find out what type of toys they played with as children. They each made a colonial toy, a whirligig, for their 5th grade buddies. The students also lent their homemade games to a local daycare to enjoy.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Entry – Explanation: The teacher provided research for this lesson. This was not an area of focus.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students formed their own groups and type of projects. They planned their project on the organizer or an iPad app. Students chose materials and/or technology. They shared their projects on the class blog, with 5th grade buddies, and a local daycare. Students wrote letters to senior adults asking about the adult’s childhood toys and games. The teacher invited Brian Corbin, a Civil War expert, to talk to the students about the past. The students asked questions during his presentation. The students reflected on their communication and collaboration by way of the Educreations iPad app. They recorded their voice responses in reflection and how they can improve for the future.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students generated questions and then used what they learned from the research. Students used cooperation and problem solving as they planned and created their own games from crafts and recyclables or created books. Students worked together to create a Shadow Puppet slideshow to share on our class blog. The students used critical thinking skills as they compared and contrasted games/toys from the past to modern ones. One group could not get their toy to “work.” With the help of group members, their problem was solved. One group had difficulty coming up with a project they all would agree upon. They used problem solving skills by choosing to completely begin a different type of project. A student came up with the idea to contact her grandparents to find out what they played with as children. The students were allowed to work beyond the assignment parameters in this fashion. The students reflected on their critical thinking and problem solving by way of the Educreations iPad app. They recorded their voice responses in reflection and how they can improve for the future.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students used cooperation and problem solving as they planned and created their own games from crafts and recyclables or created books. Students also used a choice of digital tools to explain what they learned. They generated questions and then used what they learned from the research. Students worked together to create a Shadow Puppet slideshow to share on our class blog. The students used creativity and innovation as they compared and contrasted games/toys from the past to modern ones. Two groups chose to create games that were original and not based on ideas from the past. They based their ideas on games that they may have played at a festival or carnival that even included prizes! The students reflected on their creativity and innovation by way of the Educreations iPad app. They recorded their voice responses in reflection and how they can improve for the future.