Real Problems, Real Solutions – 15HS401

This lesson is for : Grade 10:


After brainstorming local and global issues, students research a topic of interest to assist with an individual persuasive research paper and a group persuasive presentation. Students select topics they feel are important to them, either directly or as a major concern for their larger community. Based on their research for their selected topics, students propose actions that they can take to raise awareness or propose real solutions to the problems they research. This results in a persuasive presentation and actions that can be taken through advertising, social media, or other methods.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students brainstorm a list of potential topics that they feel are genuine concerns for themselves and their community, either locally or at a larger scale. Then, students select the topic that is most relevant and appealing. Through their research and work with peers, they determine the essential questions for their topic and use those questions to further guide their research. Students are expected to find appropriate resources and synthesize the information they find to propose real-world solutions through their presentations.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students determine groups based on peer interest in similar topics. Once groups are formed, students are expected to determine appropriate roles for the groups. Students used resources they deemed most appropriate to plan their research and work and to collect and organize their information, including using Google Calendar and Docs.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students generated the essential questions related to their research project. In their presentations, students justify the decisions and proposed solutions they arrived at as the result of their research. Students are expected to identify and justify the most effective digital tools to use to display their findings and argue their proposed solution.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students have to decide on an approach to their chosen problem that might inspire real action and change in the world. This motivation requires that they analyze what they know about their problem and the various methods available for bringing change and then predict which method will provide the best results. While students do not move on to actually enact their proposed solutions, they must still create and defend these solutions.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

About admin

ITRT at Godwin High School with a background in English and writing.

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