Important to Me! – #15MS803

This lesson is for : Grade 8:


Have you ever felt unheard? Do think it’s unfair? The lesson focused on students picking topics important to them. Then they are challenged to state their position and asked to support it. Students are randomly placed on a pro or con team to ensure that all sides of an issue are explored. After the 1st round of debates, students analyze how communication is affected by body language, images shown, speech and choice of words. Student make adjustments to their discussions and presentations for a second round of debates. The main goal was to let them know that their opinions are important and to help them craft their opinions so that they are heard, now and for the rest of their lives.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students chose their own topics. The students chose 3 or 4 facts that supported their position. The used graphics, presentations of their choice, and put it together to form cohesive arguments. By having the students evaluate their 1st round of arguments and how the other group presented, the students were able to go back and revise their debates to improve their research and presentation. Students used graphs and charts to communicate information in a short amount of time.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students worked in self-selected groups and assigned out roles without teacher guidance. Students created their presentations and worked in and out of class in order to finish. They communicated outside of class to improve their debates.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students debated about a topic that was important to them. They used digital tools to research the information they needed to support their argument. They evaluated what would help their position and what would not. After the 1st round, students reflected on what would improve their debates and then applied it to the next round.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students critiqued the status norms and explored where the origins of their personal or collective beliefs were formulated. They developed new ideas for their futures. Students had their ideas and researched experts that would support these ideas. Students created new ideas, by applying their argument to their world. They came up with alternatives to what is currently a law or mindset. Students used humor to facilitate the difficult conversations, i.e. – race relations.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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