Vintage Art Nouveau Travel Poster – #15MS502

This lesson is for : Grade 8:


Students will combine knowledge learned in core content areas to choose design elements for a graphic arts project that will then be turned into a work of fine art. The student will apply knowledge of geography, computer applications, research skills, algebra skills, and English composition in completing the project of designing a “Vintage Art Nouveau Travel Poster” and presentation.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: When the project is introduced initially, students will be introduced to the art history of Art Deco and Art Nuevo and do informal critique of travel posters in room. Students will engage in a discussion of the idea behind the posters. Students will research the history and time period that the posters were made and discuss the inspiration behind them in small groups.

This project provides opportunities for formative assessment through authentic tasks of research which is demonstrated through student essay, student budget, and student’s digital design of a vintage travel poster for their location of choice. The student uses provided resources as well for research and not only learn about the location but are able to understand more advanced concepts such as cost of living and tourism. Students are taught search techniques for finding the “best deal” for air travel and accommodations when visiting their dream location. Students are trained in understanding valid and in-valid sources via the internet.

Students use a digital budget tool to accurately gather and organize information. Students use the budget tool and travel highlights to analyze what a realistic trip can be and what things should be apparent in a visual representation of their location. The final project is an authentic task in which they assimilate their knowledge or art and design with the research to display and interact with the information in creating a graphic and visual work of art inspired by their research.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students will brainstorm on careers in art. Teacher will offer suggestions and lead discussion on how some careers may use art skills that they had not mentioned. Students will watch PBS Off Book and discuss graphic arts in groups. Students will choose a product shown in Off Book and dissect the choices in design and typography. One spokesperson for the group will report the findings to class as a whole and ask for comment from others outside the group. Student then pick a product as a group, the groups are directed to two different websites for unique fonts, they will pick four fonts and generate product name in these fonts, they follow directed discussion of four typography styles in a small group and share with the class what emotions and meanings they might inspire and how that could impact a consumer.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students will use knowledge of their own heritage and geography to pick a location for their travel projects and begin brainstorming and collecting 10 to 12 reasons to travel there. Students offer ideas for grammar required in essay and adjectives for persuasion/ description in writing.

Students will use knowledge of their own heritage and geography to pick a location for their travel projects and begin brainstorming and collecting 10 to 12 reasons to travel there. Once data is collected students will seek actual costs of travel to estimate expense. They will use computation skills and put data in table on their working Power Point. During the budget process, students are challenged to set up an algebraic equation that will help them when budgeting for travel expenses. Once data is collected students will seek actual costs of travel to estimate expense. Students will make decisions about accommodations, travel times, and additional costs while traveling.

Students will practice using graphic editing tools on Photoshop and word along with teacher. Students then experiment with the tools during a question and answer period so they can explore functionality on their own. Students are directed to class blog to ask technical questions of each other, read peer blogs on using photo editing and animating software, and share their successes.

Students will create a graphic poster in the art nouveau vintage style using computer graphic design software. They will make decisions about typography, elements of art, design, color theory, and graphic quality. Students will present their final graphic art poster and act as a travel agent trying to persuade class to travel to their location. Students will critique each other’s work informally while teacher critiques it formally

Once students move to the creation of visual art/painting they will measure a larger piece of paper and determine through proportion equation what size grid to put on the larger paper to guide on blowing up drawing but keeping it proportionally to scale.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Using research on their chosen destination and budget data, student will write a descriptive essay 3+ paragraphs about traveling to the location. They can choose writing style of either a letter, travel guide, or persuasive essay. Students are advised to “paint a picture with their words”.

Students will create a graphic poster in the art nouveau vintage style using computer graphic design software. They will make decisions about typography, elements of art, design, color theory, and graphic quality. Students will assimilate the information from their research in making decisions about what visual elements will attract a consumer to wanting to travel to their location. When the project is completed, students will present their final graphic art poster and act as a travel agent trying to persuade the class to travel to their location.

Students will ultimately take the poster they made graphically and turn it into a 2-D acrylic painting. After transferring their graphic image to canvas or paper using scale modeling, the student will utilize knowledge of color and art technique to create an acrylic painting of the graphic poster. Students will explore new techniques in painting and are encourage to use painting resources and tutorials provided by the teacher from the internet.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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