If Books Could Talk…

Feature Image by Erin M on Flikr.

This lesson is for : Grade 6:


You have read the most amazing book! You think EVERYONE should read this book. You keep playing the scenes from the book over in your head…. like a movie. Well, NOW is the time to put those thoughts into digital form.

In this lesson students create book trailers based on novels they have read. The purpose of this assignment is to entice the viewer to read the book. Student may use any video creation tool they wish and may include still images or video.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Not Observed – Explanation:

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Being able to provide appropriate constructive feedback is a life skill that is needs to be developed. Allowing students the opportunity engage in peer feedback activities raises the engagement of students in the lesson because I have fostered an environment in my class where each student wants to help the others be successful.

Students worked with a partner for feedback to make their final projects better. Students used both digital and face-to-face strategies for feedback. Allowing students to use the GoogleDoc feedback page creates a lasting record of the feedback that can be used and referred to while the students are working on their final video production.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students must be able to find solutions to problems by thinking through the solution. The use of the storyboard provided a tool that would help them solve the problem established in this project. While that in and of itself is not necessarily a 21st century CTPS tool, however, students were expected to include music that would elicit the proper mood and tone of the book in the video. The use of appropriate music sites along with the ideas they created form the storyboard gave them the opportunity to think critically about how they could communicate the mood and tone of the book in the video. Additionally, finding or creating appropriate digital images also provide students an opportunity for critical thinking.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students were fully engaged in this creative learning opportunity. The creation of a book trailer allowed students the opportunity to use their own knowledge of story development and apply it to the design of their own video. This project took on additional meaning for the students due to the personal nature of their book choice and the desire to create a high quality video. Showing professionally made book and movie trailers encouraged students to reach for a higher bar. Also, allowing student the creative freedom to make their own choices added to their creativity. Students were not given specific parameters to follow, rather they were given more general guideline to assist with their own creative process.

Student Artifact

15MS1003 from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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