This lesson is for : Grade 7:
Culture plays a bigger role than we think in works of art. In this lesson, middle school students explore Native American History using a social magazine app, Flipboard, to collect and share information. After creatively displaying their information using the Chatter Pix App on iPads, they apply their knowledge to create their own personal weaving works of art.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students utilize a social networking tool to collect sources pertaining to the essential question and their own generated questions about weaving and how it relates to Native American life. As students collect sources to share with each other through the iPad app Flipboard, they are continually analyzing what makes a good source of information. Once all the information collected in their Flipboard online magazine, students synthesize and analyze the information to display their learning in a short creative animation display using the iPad app ChatterPix. Ultimately, they apply this learning to better their understanding of weaving in Native American culture as they create their own unique weavings in their art class.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students worked together as a class to create a social magazine containing sources about Native American life and weaving by using the Flipboard App. Students were also encouraged to collaborate on their ideas during the creation phase of this lesson.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This area is not a focus of this lesson, however, students did apply critical thinking skills to finding connections between the information on Native American culture and justify how weaving plays a role in that culture.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Developing – Explanation: As students use the Chatter Pix app to make a creative display of their information, they demonstrate critical thinking in making connections to the content.