Summarize This! 15MS1101

This lesson is for : Grade 6:


Mastering the art of the summary can be a monumental task. When expressing what we know in a short concise way, how do we innovatively get our point across? Magazine Ads, pictures and multimedia sites do this all the time! Students in this collaborative English class strengthened their summarizing skills by turning their written summary into a visual work.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Though not an area of focus for this lesson, students were able to search and select a nonfiction article of interest to them. Each site that was used enabled students to take charge of the reading level of the article allowing for student control over appropriateness of the information.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students were given the opportunity to collaborate in a group to utilize digital tools to annotate and create. They set goals for the final product and shared roles during each step of the process. Students strengthened their communication skills as they gave each other constructive feedback concerning their written summaries allowing students to reflect on their skills in summarizing and work with the rubric before moving onto their final creative product creation.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: As students went through the process of creating their visual summary, students had to justify the use of the chosen digital tool for their idea. High order thinking skills were demonstrated as students brainstormed ways to display their summary other than just reading the written format.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: As the main TIPC area of focus in our lesson, students collaboratively or individually applied innovative ideas to create a product to represent their summary, in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the article and the process of summarizing. Students selected appropriate digital tools on the iPad or laptop to make their ideas come to life. Upon completion, students were able to reflect on their work through use of a Google form after comparing their efforts with other students in not only their class but others as well. This opportunity to view other works and then self-assess helped students set goals for future growth in applying the skills of not only summarizing but creating high quality works.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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