
This lesson is for : Grade 4:


What happens to all of the old pumpkins after fall has come to a close? Is there a way that instead of throwing away these old pumpkins we can use them in a positive productive way? These questions from students were what sparked the quest to find a solution to this real life issue. Through research, conversations with experts, and collaboration with peers the students were not only able to find answers to their questions but they also made it a reality. As a class the students decided that the best option to address the wasted pumpkins after fall was to host a local pumpkin chucking event. Self-selected student groups chose research topics from areas they deemed important: Who will provide compost bin? Ask the principal for permission? What kinds of launchers are possible? What is composting? What are important pumpkin facts about those used in Virginia for jack-o-lanterns? What is the history of pumpkin chucking? Once the research is finished the students worked in their collaborative groups to build prototypes of their very own pumpkin launcher. The students then presented their prototypes to experts to perfect their design. As a class they chose the best design to actually build with the help of an engineer and the local Home Depot. Once their dreams were turned to reality the students planned and hosted their pumpkin chucking event. Students contacted surrounding schools and organizations to help bring everyone they could to the event in order to make it a true success.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Throughout the lesson the teacher acts as a guide facilitating and engaging formative assessment while the students research various topics such as, What is composting? What information does the class need to know about the pumpkin industry in Virginia? What types of catapults might work best for what the class is using them for? The students were able to use the findings of their research and synthesize new information that pertains to their authentic task of building a working catapult to increase composting of discarded pumpkins in the area. In addition the students researched their own student generated questions and selected the best digital tool to display their findings.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The teacher was able to facilitate student learning while the students were communicating and collaborating throughout the lesson. The students worked in multiple self-selected groups. While in these groups the students were sure to assign and organize roles and choose the best digital tool to aide in communication and collaboration. Not only did the students communicate and collaborate with one another in class and over Google, they also enlisted the help of multiple experts, business owners, and advertising agencies. To communicate and collaborate with these individuals, companies, and one another students used digital tools to help eliminate the issue of distance and time zone. Once the students had completed the lesson they were able to reflect on their roles as communicators and collaborators.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students were critically thinking and problem solving throughout the lesson the teacher was facilitating students along the way. Students were the generators of the questions asked throughout the lesson, and throughout they were asked to justify their decision making. While working in their self-selected student groups, the students were required to justify themselves every step of the way to their groups, as well as to the class. The students were required to design and construct catapults for prototypes, as well as decide what the final catapult should look like. Students were also required to figure out the pros and cons of each catapult prototype to ensure the final catapult was successful. For the actual event the students determines what data needed to be collected as well as how to collect that data. Certain groups of students chose to advertise for the event, so they were tasked with deciding the best way to encourage outside participants and how to create a booth at the Fall Festival. After the students had completed the lesson they reflected on their roles as critical thinkers and problem solvers.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Throughout the entirety of the lesson the teacher acted as the facilitator in aiding creativity and innovation within the students. The students were able to develop a new solution to their authentic task. They also took information gathered from their research in addition to information they discovered on their own or through experts to create their very own catapult. Throughout the process the students were able to take risks in their small self-selected groups as well as a whole group because they were the leaders of the event. Every detail from designing the catapult, advertising, planning the event, and hosting the event was generated by the students. In addition, the students were constantly reflecting as creators and innovators and developing the event in response to reflection at each stage.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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