Underwater Human Environments – 15ES606

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


The students designed unique Underwater Human Environments as a culminating activity for their oceanography unit. Students discussed the factors they would need to keep in mind as they began the design process, for example: ocean floor topography, currents, temperature, pressure, salinity, and tides. Students researched on their own keeping in mind these factors. Each group wrote a persuasive grant application in an attempt to earn funding to build their UHE. Students used floorplanner.com to design their own floorplan to showcase their ideas to their potential visitors. Students wrote a script and created a commercial to advertise for their UHE. The proposals and commercials were posted on the class blog for others to view and give feedback. Finally, students had an opportunity to interview, via Skype, Bruce Strickrott, the Alvin Manager at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and learn how scientists use submersibles to do research in the real world to further our knowledge of the ocean environment.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students were given an authentic task to build an Underwater Human Environment. They constructed questions to guide their research and organized and shared their information in Google Docs. Students used the information they learned to design their UHE on floorbuilder.com, write a persuasive essay on Google Docs, and create a commercial in Photobooth to advertise for their UHE. Students also learned more about ocean engineering through a Skype session with Bruce Strickrott.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students used Google Docs to organize their research information and type a persuasive essay. They worked with the resource teacher to film commercials for their UHE using Photobooth & iMovie. The students also created their own Google Forms to elicit feedback from their peers regarding their UHE design. The videos and evaluation forms for posted on the blog for others to view and respond. Students Skyped with Bruce Strickrott to learn more about ocean engineering and the Alvin submersible.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students generated and responded to their questions about the ocean and the design of their UHE. Students used floorplanner.com to design their UHE. They had to think critically to make sure that their UHE would be a safe and exciting place to visit. Students had to research and solve problems that arose based on where they decided to locate the UHE in the ocean environment. Students had to think critically to decide how to best advertise for their UHE.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: They created original UHEs and advertised for them through a persuasive essay and a commercial. They created Google Forms to elicit feedback from their peers about their UHEs. The data they collected helped them reflect on the creative process and set goals for future growth.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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