Plate Tectonics with Google Maps – 15ES603

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


As an introduction to their unit on the Earth, students were provided with sets of data to plot on a map. The students used their knowledge of latitude and longitude to collaboratively plot the provided locations on a layer of a class Google Map. Once all data points were plotted, all five layers were revealed one by one and students looked for patterns in the data to determine what they had plotted (earthquakes and volacanoes) and deduce the boundaries of the tectonic plates.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Not Observed – Explanation: Research and Information Fluency was not a major component of this activity. Students did work with the given set of data to powerfully organize and interact with information supplied by the classroom teacher.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students established groups and had specific roles within their groups (data tracker to make sure all points were plotted, student to plot on the Google Map, & student to plot on the Mercator Projection Map). Students used Google Maps to plot their data simultaneously. Following the activity, a student typed a blog post to describe what they learned during this lesson.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This was an introduction to a unit on the Earth. The teacher strategically selected Google Maps so that students could collaborate on the product while seeing real-life imagery of the Earth. Students collaborated to plot data on a Google Map and their data points were displayed layer by layer. As each layer was revealed, students had to generate questions, respond purposefully using the data they had available, and analyze trends that they saw on the map. Students also had to justify their observations to the class using the data on the map to support their conclusions. They made predictions about what the data points may be as well as what trends they thought they might see on the next layer. By the end of this activity, students used the data and prior knowledge to figure out that they had conducted the authentic task of plotting earthquakes and volcanic activity. They were also able to identify the Ring of Fire and see the divisions for the tectonic plates. Students reflected on the impact that the amount of earthquake and volcanic activity would have on different areas of the world.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students collaborated to create a map to show the tectonic plates. Students were provided with the coordinates, but had to analyze trends and make predictions to determine what these points had in common. They created a meaningful, original map within the assignment parameters which served as a spring board to their unit on the Earth.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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