15ES902_The Masterminds Behind the Method

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


Consants! Independent Variables! Hypotheses! These are all big terms associated with the scientific method. This lesson is a collaborative effort in putting together an informative website about the important aspects of the scientific method. Students work in self-selected groups to choose the topic and questions for which they will focus their research. These groups will submit their digital projects (ie. Powerpoint Movie, ActivInspire flipchart, MovieMaker Movie, YakIt app or a Comic Life poster) to the class’ “technology gurus” who will post everything on one CheckThis website. Students from across the county will be invited to access and utilize information while providing feedback on the website. The students will conclude the lesson by completing a self-reflection using a Google Form.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students first constructed a list of questions to help guide their research. Then students picked the best digital tool to conduct research and synthesize information to address their scientific method component as they worked together to add information to their collaborative Google Doc. Students interacted with and displayed their information by making an informative presentation about their topic to add to the class’ CheckThis website.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Communication and collaboration occurred throughout this entire lesson. Students worked in small groups to research, produce and share their creations as they posted their presentation on the website for the other students in the county to benefit from visiting. Furthermore, students reflected on their roles as communicators and collaborators while setting goals for future growth as they completed the Google Reflection Form.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving were practiced as groups decided on the most appropriate digital tool to create their informative presentation about their Scientific Method component that would be most effective in relaying the information they researched.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students had to synthesize existing and self-generated knowledge about their scientific method topic and then had to collectively create a product that would teach someone about that specific step in the scientific method. They reflected and set future goals for their growth through the Google Reflection Form.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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