Ancient Greece Google Tour Builder – 15ES602

This lesson is for : Grade 3:


Through use of various websites, encyclopedias, nonfiction literature, and teacher supplied information students work with a team to develop research questions on Padlet, gather information on a shared Google Doc, synthesize research and create a final product in Google Tour Builder. The covered topics include: Government, Geography and Physical Characteristics, The Olympic Games, Architecture, Food, Music and Art and Occupations. Students use Google Tour Builder in conjunction with the Tellagami iPad app to present the information they acquire from their research.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students constructed their own questions to guide their research using a class Padlet wall. Students were provided with a variety of print and digital resources and they had to select the most appropriate tools to locate information. They also used Tellagami and Google Tour Builder to powerfully display the information they had found.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students selected their own groups according to what topic they were interested in doing more research on. The students used Google Docs to collaborate with their group members. Students used Tellagami to share information acquired during research and linked their videos into their Google Tours. The students completed a peer review at the end of the project to evaluate each other’s performance and teamwork.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students created their own questions to guide their research and used problem solving to decide how to locate the information regarding their specific topic. Students had to problem solve in order to find the correct locations in Google Tour Builder to accurately show the location they had researched. The students then needed to peer evaluate on group work and problem solving in their team.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students were learning about Greece through teacher led lessons at the same time they were researching information about their selected topics. Students could use knowledge that they were learning or had previously learned with new ideas and products from their research. They then synthesized this information to create a final product that supported their knowledge of their topic in its entirety. Students had the freedom to select locations in Google Tour Builder that best showcased what they had learned about this topic. Students were creative in developing scripts to use as a guide as they recorded in Tellagami. The final products were shared on their class blog so their peers and parents could view their work.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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