15MS703 Journalism Film Festival

This lesson is for : Grade 7,Grade 8:


Students learned about investigative reporting. For our final project of the year, students filmed and edited a documentary short. I then put the shorts together into one large film and the class held a “Journalism Film Festival” for the school in the auditorium. Previously, students wrote scripts and picked a theme for their documentary. For this lesson, Students went out and filmed their interviews and skits. Once students were finished with all their filming, they worked in Window’s Movie Maker to put the scenes together and complete final edits. The theme of the films ranged from Student Life, to Staff Life, to Relay for Life

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Most students performed investigative research via interviews or searching on the School Website. One group researched online about the Relay for Life and American Cancer Society. Students used cameras to film and software to edit. Some students used photo editors such as Photo Shop.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students worked together as a film crew of investigative journalists. They completed the writing, filming, and editing together as a group. Some groups even interviewed outside members of the school community. In the end, the films were shared with the entire school.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students were tasked with using their knowledge of cinematography, photography, and investigative reporting to create a documentary about our school. Students had to think how they could represent their topic accurately and professionally. Students only had school cameras and school software in their use.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students had to be creative and use what they had to create a strong documentary about our school. The students decided what to include, where to film, what to film, and who to interview. Some students took on characters and made allusions to pop-culture references within their films. Students chose the music and had most of the creative control of the film. Students used cameras, editing software, and investigative research/presenting skills to create this film.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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