This lesson is for Grade/Subject: 7th Grade US History (USII)
In this lesson, students practice research skills and evaluate sources based on reliability, authority, and relevance. Students use these skills to complete research on a specific individual and his/her role during American Reconstruction. Based on the student’s research, each student writes a blog post in which he/she explains how his/her individual would respond to the current crisis in Iraq. Students use specific evidence from their research to explain and justify their thoughts.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson is completed at the start of the school year and meant to be a stepping stone lesson for the students to develop and practice their research skills. In the “Reliable or Not” worksheet, students discuss how to judge a source based on its reliability, authority, and relevance to the topic at hand. Students practice these evaluation skills when completing their own research and selecting the source(s) that are most relevant to their assignment. Students synthesize the research on their individual, their understanding of American Reconstruction, and their understanding of the Iraq crisis in order to explain how their chosen individual would respond to the crisis in Iraq. The final written product is displayed on a classroom blog, where classmates can view each other’s essays and sources and provide feedback accordingly. The task at hand is authentic, as students apply their knowledge of historical events to help “solve” a current world crisis.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Developing – Explanation: The majority of the student work in this assignment is individual, but the final essays are posted on a classroom blog. This allows the students to view each others’ essays and resources and communicate with each other to provide feedback.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students apply their research to help “solve” the crisis in Iraq. Students justify their possible solutions based not only on current events, but on specific evidence from the historical research that they conduct, including quotes from primary and secondary documents.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Not Observed – Explanation: