The Flipped Math Review – 7921


Who hasn’t tried to find a video to explain something. In this lesson, students create “How-To Presentations” from topics of the semester. This math review allows the students to lead and self-examine their previously learned skills to develop a short review for other students in the classroom. Students collaborated in teams and creatively constructed original material that incorporate real-life applications of their assigned math topic. This lesson format can be applied to large or small units as a review, as this was.

TIPC Ratings

Teacher assigned groups’ topics from their previous lessons in semester to develop a review presentation. Students had to organize and assemble using their own information they had worked through in previous units to create a useful presentation. Students had to analyze which main points were relevant and important in the main concepts for review

This project is ideal because the students used web 2.0 tools to communicate their “plan of action” with the teacher via Google Form (setting roles and group members). During the process the students used web 2.0 tools that allowed for collaboration during the project. Many students used web 2.0 tools that enhanced their digital collaboration; such as,Google Doc (script writing, quiz writing) and Google Chat features to talk about : Prezi, Emaze. Shared ActivInspire segments with each other to collectively make a larger video in Movie Maker. At the end the students then reflected on project using another teacher generated Google Form.

Students had to determine what important information in their “How-To” video. The student had to develop an original real-life application scenario that used their particular math topic. Students were free to use any web 2.0 tools to demonstrate their real-life application through using ActivInspire, green screen, and emaze to name a couple of resources.

Student had to synthesize their material and created a “How-To” video. This instructional video also had to included an original word problems and a 10 question quiz for other students to take. The students had to also construct an authentic real life situation that involved their math topic. At the end of the project student reflected on their work and their teammates’ work on the project. Reflected on teamwork through a google form at the end of the project.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Student Artifacts

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