Spanish Health Fair – 8368


Twelve Spanish students created a class-collaborative Health Fair called “We Can All Live a Healthy Life” for the young people at our high school. The students worked in pairs and designed stations completely in Spanish to educate students about health and well being. The six stations had to be creative and informative and each included a tri-fold poster board, pamphlet or powerpoint, interactive activity, and a video. During Academic Extension all Spanish students were invited to attend and participate.

TIPC Ratings

The Spanish students studied health issues in young people and watched videos (PSAs) from spanish speaking countries (ex. mental health and drunk driving). They learned health vocabulary and read articles on authentic Spanish newspaper websites (ex. El and BBCmundo). They also practiced a Spanish-speaking activity where they had to counsel each other on a health issue and role play in groups (ex. anorexia or depression).

After the teacher introduced the Spanish Health Fair lesson and rubric, in partners the students had to choose a topic. Then they began their research on the topic using the internet and drawing upon prior knowledge learned and experienced in class. Students had to create a station that was creative and informative. All topics were current real world issues of interest to young people. And, the stations had to exhibit the importance of the topic by including a tri-fold poster board, pamphlet or powerpoint, interactive activity, and a video.

The class-collaborative Health Fair was called “We Can All Live a Healthy Life”. This was to educate students about health and well being and geared toward the young people at our high school. During Academic Extension all Spanish students were invited to Cafe 1 to attend and participate. Each pair of Spanish students orally discussed their topic in Spanish while at their station. They presented their tri-fold poster, showed the video they created, and assisted students with the interactive activity. The health fair participants had to complete a scavenger hunt regarding all 6 stations to get extra credit for attending.

Students had to draw upon prior knowledge learned and experienced in class to synthesize the information and complete all the components of this project. Students had to create a station that was creative and informative. All topics were current real world issues of interest to young people. And, the stations had to exhibit the importance of the topic by including a tri-fold poster board, pamphlet (Publisher, Word, or Google Doc) or Powerpoint, interactive activity, and a video.

The students also had to come up with five questions that could be answered by their presentation. They sent these questions to the teacher and the teacher used all of the questions to create a scavenger hunt for the student health fair participants.

The interactive activity was to allow the public to make something, prepare something, or complete something. The toughest part for the students was to come up with an interactive activity and they had brainstorm various ideas. Some examples of interactive activities that they created were to have participants: create a stress ball using a balloon and flour, try healthy food option samples, put on “drunk” glasses and complete a questionnaire while “under the influence”, starburst candy with the colors representing the number of people with AIDS, and dropping M&M’s in a cup every 5 seconds (or 5 minutes) representing the occurrence of violence to women while comparing Ecuador and US.

Students exhibited great creativity in this project not only with their interactive activity but also with the tri-fold poster board, pamphlet (Publisher, Word, or Google Doc) or Powerpoint, and video they scripted, created, acted in, edited, and produced.

Student Artifact


Download Files


  • H21 Lesson Plan
  • Student Directions
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Rubric
  • Six Student Stations

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