Habitat Hotel

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A typical garden environment holds a diversity of creatures. Contrary to popular belief, very few of these creatures are pests that cause significant damage to flowers, fruit or vegetables.

By providing the right habitats we can greatly increase the number of beneficial insects in a garden, and they will help naturally control pest organisms. Some wild invertebrates, such as bumblebees and solitary bees, are declining in numbers in the wider countryside, by providing homes we can contribute to their conservation.

Students will design a habitat “hotel” for beneficial organisms which will be observed over the course of the year.  Students will record their observations as they use field guides and internet research to be able to identify which beneficial organisms are observed. Students will understand beneficial species and how to create a habitat that will provide beneficial organisms for a garden environment.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal/ Target – In this lesson students had to create a habitat using researched information. The students used videos and photographs to document their project..

Approaching– Students chose their team and insect then picked their habitat location based on their insect.. After students researched, they decided who would bring in the various resources needed to build their habitat. The students also collaborated on who would bring in the phone, video recording device, or camera and decided which of these digital tools they would use. The students used google docs and research sites to document and show evidence of their work.

Approaching– The students justified the resources that they used in their habitat and they used video and photographs to document their usage of materials.

Approaching– During the process of building the habitats one group showed creativity by making a bridge to the habitat from the tree. All of the levels of the habitat were unique but had a common focus of bringing in beneficial organisms.

Student Artifact


About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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