Proliferating Student Awareness of PSAs

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The class discussed the history and purpose of Public Service Announcements (PSAs).  On the web, we searched for some examples of PSAs.  We discussed what made PSAs effective.  We focused on the images used, the information included, and the “catchiness” of the text.  We then listened to some PSA radio spots.  We discussed what made these effective and talked about which PSAs were the most memorable.

Working in pairs, the students were then asked to pick an issue about which they wanted to increase public awareness.  After researching information about their chosen issue, the students created a PSA poster using CheckThis.  They were asked to create an appealing, memorable PSA poster that included an image and three or more facts about their issue.  They were also asked to create a poll question and answers that would encourage people to think critically about the importance of their issue. After the posters were created, the students viewed the PSA posters, voted on the poll questions, and make thoughtful comments about the issues.

After completing the poster, the students created a 30 second radio spot about their issue. They were asked to create a PSA that was both creative and informative and would encourage listeners stop and pay attention. Using the information they had gathered for their poster, the students wrote a script for their PSA.  They recorded their PSAs on Audacity and uploaded them to Picosong.  The students then listened to the PSAs and provided constructive feedback to each other.

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Though the lesson could be modified to include Research and Information Fluency, the lesson as described did not focus on this lesson.

Approaching – The students chose their own partners and organized how they accomplished their task.  The students also used a variety of digital tools (Google,, and as they collaborated on their task.

Though the lesson could be modified to include Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, the lesson as described did not focus on this lesson.

Developing – The students were asked to select a topic from a given list, but were given the freedom to communicate information using their own style and ideas.  Students summarized important information about their topic utilizing  digital tools as directed by the teacher.

Student Artifact


About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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