Gubernatorial Election Vids


The lesson was to create a movie based on the Gubernatorial Election.  The students had to create a movie in order for them to understand who was running for governor in the state of Virginia.  The student had to create their own political ad with pictures and the candidate’s platform that they chose to back.  The students got to pay attention to each candidate’s platform as well as how the political process works.  The students had to create a seven slide movie.  The first slide was to be their name, date, and block.  The next slides had to consider the candidate they wanted to run for governor and some issues that their candidate stood for.  The final slide had to be the citation with the use of Easy Bib.

TIPC Ratings

Developing -The students had to look up the candidates issues and read them to understand them.  Then they had to put the issue in their own words on their slides.  They also had to be able to find pictures that applied to each candidate.  The goal was to understand why you vote for the issues and not because someone is of a certain party that your parents or friends like.  It is about which issues you agree with..

Though this lesson could be modified to include Communication and Collaboration, the lesson as written did not focus on this category.

Approaching – The students had to create their own movie without assistance from the teacher.  The students used digital tools to figure out which information to add to their slides as well as music.  The students had to be able to match music that coincided with their slides.  They had to go to the websites of the candidates and be able to understand and figure out the major issues they wanted to put into their movie.

Approaching – The students were creative in the movies they created.  The students worked on an assignment that blended technology with personal choice in order to determine which songs, transitions, and other effects they wanted to use in order to bring their assignment to a whole new level.  Many of the students had never experienced the use of moviemaker and worked diligently to solve the problems involving new technology.  They worked hard and delivered some wonderful movies that will hopefully allow them to remember the importance of the governor in the state of Virginia.  Also, hopefully the will experience/understand the political process and how candidates say and do things in order to get elected.

About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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